ARLA/CLUSTER: Fwd: [Moon-net] MAP65 v0.8

Miguel Pelicano miguel.pelicano
Quinta-Feira, 12 de Julho de 2007 - 18:12:32 WEST

Dear EME Friends,

Recently I have received a number of requests about the
status of MAP65.  This message is intended to direct those
interested to the latest information.

MAP65 is a computer program designed as the "back end" of a
wideband, polarization-matching receiver for JT65 signals.
It works together with Linrad and suitable RF hardware --
ideally, hardware that provides two orthogonal polarizations
on receive.  MAP65 automatically finds all detectable JT65
signals in a 90 kHz passband, matches the linear
polarization angle of each one, decodes the messages, and
provides the operator with a "band map" showing callsigns,
operating frequencies, polarization angles, and message
contents over a selectable interval, typically the past 20
minutes or so.  The program runs under Windows or Linux.
Its principal intended application is EME on the VHF and
lower UHF bands.

The WSJT home page
now has links to an updated "MAP65 Status Report" and a
"MAP65 Quick Start Guide".  If you are interested, you
should start by reading these.

A few other users have now joined me in using and testing
MAP65.  Our discussions are taking place primarily on the
Linrad email reflector.

I find that MAP65 is a pleasure to use.  It is exciting to
see the whole 144 MHz digital EME band on one's screen
simultaneously, including the contents of messages that are
being exchanged.  On an active weekend I commonly see 10-20
EME signals on the waterfall at any time, and MAP65 decodes
them all.  When a new station turns up and calls CQ, I see
his signal immediately, and can respond after his very first
transmission.  No advance knowledge, schedules or internet
liaison is required.  It's a blast!

I normally set my received frequency limits to
144.100-144.160.  If you know I am QRV and send me an
arbitrary JT65 message anywhere in this range, using any
polarization, I should receive it unless I am transmitting
at the time.  (When calling CQ, I usually Tx 2nd.)

I will be very grateful for any feedback about MAP65, and of
course for bug reports and suggestions for improvement.

The early users of MAP65 all have dual-polarization
antennas, the Antennspecialisten WSE converters, and Linrad
version 02-34.  If you have a potential interest in using
MAP65 with different hardware and/or software, please let me
        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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