ARLA/CLUSTER: Est. cland.

Carlos L.R. de A.Gonçalves carlos-relvas
Sexta-Feira, 20 de Abril de 2007 - 14:57:43 WEST

Sobre o boletim ARLA nº 6/III Série, 2º trim.'07, gostaria de tentar
esclarecer o seguinte sobre as fontes de info. sobre emissoras ditas
clandestinas aí citadas e tb. sobre estas últimas:

"Alguns dos clubes que também podem fornecer dados importantes são os
conhecidos BBCM, BCDX, DXLD, DXW e JAP."

À excepção de "JAP", todas as demais são siglas conhecidas - mas não
são de clubs.

BBCM. BBC Monitoring: é um sço. de radioescuta privativo da BBC,, que gera informação de rádio e tv há muitas décadas,
sendo aquela obtida a partir das várias estações receptoras na GB e no

Boletim semanal do, a cargo de Wolfgang Büschel, Alemanha.

DXLD-DX Listening Digest.
Boletim de, de Glenn Hauser, EUA.

DXW-DX Window.
Boletim quinzenal do DSWCI, compilado por Anker Petersen.

Da lista ARLA precedendo as siglas atrás, aproveito p/ informar que a
emissora mais próxª de nós, aqui em Portugal, emite, actualmente, nos 1550 e
6300 kHz 0700-0900 (6ª-fª, 1000) e 1700-2300 em árabe, e 2300-0000 em
castelhano, e é a estação da Frente Polisario, auto-denominada "R. Nacional
da RASD", que emite a partir de Tindouf ou imediações, Argélia.

A vasta maioria das restantes tão-pouco é puramente clandestina, salvo no
ponto de vista de alguns dos países alvos. Estão bem identificadas, sabe-se
de onde emitem, enfim, possuem grandes apoios e foram constituídas como
alternativas às emissões locais por grupos de oposição e até ONGs que pagam
tempo de antena; ex.: R República (visa CUB), via Deutsche Telekom, Voice of
Biafra Int'l (visa a NIG), via Sentech (AFS).

Diria que as genuinamente clandestinas são as que não têm, pura e
simplesmente, estruturas semelhantes às anteriores, apresentam alguma
inconstância e, quiçá pelo tom dos seus prgrs., são, normalmente, as mais
visadas pelo empastelamento.   Da referida lista ARLA, não há nenhuma deste
tipo. São estações encapotadas de grupos oposicionistas que emitem c/ txs
próprios ou de emissoras locais; ex. Voz da Revol. Iraniana, emitindo do
IRQ, Voz do Sudão, emitindo da ERI, R.Insurgente, emitindo de Chiapas, MEX.

Há ainda um outro tipo de "clandestinas" - as autorizadas pelos países de
onde emitem, e a da Frente Polisario é ex. flagrante, ou a Voz do Povo,
visando a KRE, emitindo da KOR, e "as manas separadas" Voz da Libertação
de Jamu e Caxemira, visando a IND e emitindo do PAK, e a R.Voz de Caxemira,
visando o PAK e emitindo da IND, etc.

O extracto infra, retirado do boletim DXW 322/18Abr'07, é um exemplo p/
 ilustrar parte da m/ explicação.

3879.3, Voice of the Communist Party of Iran, 1650-1730*, Apr 09, Farsi talk
about Iran, martial song. Seems to be on summerschedule one hour earlier
than in March. Iran has no Daylight Saving Time, but Iraq where the
transmitter is believed to be located, has! Jammed until 1734*, 33443. Heard
// 4366.1 (42442) where the jammer ceased at 1732*. (Petersen)

7164.13, Voice of Democratic Alliance, *0401-0430*, Apr 16, Vernacular
opening ann, frequencies, continued to 0432 carrier off, // 9559.66 drifting
noticeably while 41mb frequency was stable. Seems Mo, We, Fr only, obviously
this is a tentative, additional morning transmission via R Ethiopia, fair.

7225, IBC Tamil R, via Wertachtal, Germany, *2357-0100*, Apr 12 and 13, new
frequency, open carrier with opening at 0000 with music and several IDs
before news program in Tamil, talk features with many interviews and several
long speeches, address of "Tamil Information" in Toronto, Canada, 0059 ID:
"IBC Tamil Radio", Indian music and closing ann, 55444. (D'Angelo and

9485, Shiokaze Two, via Taiwan, *1300-1330*, Mar 30, Apr 01, 03, 04 and 10,
Su: Japanese programme. Tu: man reading list of abductees names (believe in
Korean), with piano background music, 1327 s/off ann and piano IS; We and
Fr: English program telling about politics in No. Korea, 1326 music, female
ann with piano music; on days that they are in English, I have heard this
"Two" in the ID, weak to good. (Howard-China, Kuhl and Wilkins in DXplorer).
Cf. DX-Window no. 321. (Ed)

9485, R Free Chosun (RFC), via Taiwan, *1330-1400*, new clandestine on the
air here in Korean to North Norea, according to . (Yamashita via Bueschel). Heard from
same transmitter at *1330-1359*, Mar 30, Apr 01, 03, 04 and 10, begins with
orchestra music and then about 15 minutes of talking in Korean. Mentioned
Kim Il Sung several times. At 1345-1355 a radio drama. Unable to make any
ID. The format is totally different than Shiokaze. Reception was good, maybe
some weak jamming. (Howard-China, Kuhl, Ritola and Wilkins in DXplorer)

9525, Star R, Monrovia, via Ascension, 0745-0800*, Apr 09, talk in heavily
accented English about Monrovia, 25232. (Petersen)

9785, R Free Chosun (RFC), via Taiwan, *2000-2030*, new clandestine on the
air here in Korean to North Norea, ex 9795 where they were heard on Mar 22.
Cf. 9485 above. (Yamashita via Bueschel and Kuhl in DXplorer)

9955, R Cuba Libre from WRMI, as of Apr 09 the previous block Mo-Sa
0700-0900 has switched to 1200-1400 Mo-Sa, plus 0300-0400 Tu-Sa. I will have
to take a look at the programs that were on from 1300-1400 on weekdays to
see whether we can reschedule them elsewhere (White, via Hauser). So that
takes care of WORLD OF RADIO Sat and Mon at 1330, Mundo Radial Wed 1300, and
several other DX programs. (Hauser)

11650, Suab Xaa Moo Zoo is a religious programme produced by the Christian
and Missionary Alliance, P.O. Box 35000, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3500,
USA. More info at . Suab Xaa Moo Zoo is on the
air in Hmong daily 2300-2330 to Laos. (Trutenau)

11830, Tesfa Delina Foundation, Inc. announced on Mar 18 that the Voice of
Meselna Delina will continue now produced in South Africa whereas Asmarino
for the diasporas has to be suspended for financial reasons. "Eritrean
Movement For Democracy and Human Rights", EMDH, is the responsible
organisation for both.

"As we approach the end of March 2007 we are faced with making a rational
compromise. We came to the conclusion that Radio Voice of Meselna Delina
must stay on the air at all cost and continue broadcasting to the people of
Eritrea. All the funds contributed, if it is the wish of the contributors,
can be channeled to this end. The people of Eritrea need the alternative
information source. The shortwave broadcast must take precedence over the
Diaspora need. We hope most of you agree with this underlining reason for
the decision to continue Voice of Meselna Delina and give us your approval
to deploy your contribution to this end. We can and will keep working on how
to revive Asmarino in the immediate future." (  and via
Trutenau in DXplorer)

11830, Voice of Meselna Delina, via Armavir (100 kW), 1725-1730*, Th Apr 05,
programme-end procedure started 1728 and had not finished when cut at 1730.
Also Fr Apr 06 from sign-on *1700 with IDs by man and woman. Gave
web-address, something with "" (Delina pronounced de-lee-ná)
but every combination with gave negative results. No, they are on . (Krone). Cf. above. (Ed)

12120, R Democracy Shorayee (transmitter site?), 1720-1730, Th/Fr Apr 05 and
06 (scheduled 1700-1800) longish talks in Farsi on clear channel
(  and  info (Krone)

13830, Voice of the Oromo Liberation, via Juelich, 1710-1800*, Th/Fr Apr 05
and 06, Horn of Africa martial music, closing ann in presumed Oromo, had
almost faded out). ( (Krone)

15180, R Saa, via Issoudun! From TDF, full-data QSL (including transmitter
site and power-and program name!) French/English "Alliss - Rotatable antenna
in Issoudun" card in 16 days. Address on the card, which is approximately
the one to which I mailed my report: TDF - Radio Business Unit, Short-wave
Department, 10, rue d'Oradour sur Glane, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France. This
is for the Mar 14 broadcast which consisted entirely of patriotic or
national vocal music. Although there is now severe interference from the BBC
in Arabic, based on the timings of the music, this TDP-brokered program to
Nigeria seems to be re-running that same program. (Craighead in DXplorer,
Apr 02). I was by their offices on Apr 03 ...a class outfit there in
Paris...If you ever get to Paris, go by their has been fun for me
several times.. (Henderson)

15260, R Xoriyo, via Samara, Russia, 1645-1700*, Tu Apr 10, Somali ann,
native song mentioning Xoriyo, 45544. (Petersen)

15445, Southern Sudan Interactive R Instructions, via Dhabbaya, UAE,
0635-0700*, Fr Apr 06, English talk by man and woman about Southern Sudan,
interlude of drums, spelling words, closed with a song, 35333. (Petersen)

15455, R Mustaqbal, via Dhabbaya, United Arab Emirates, 0805-0815*, Mo Apr
09, Somali short messages with interludes of drums, song from Horn of
Africa, ID and spelling two words, 35333. (Petersen)

15660, Tensae Ethiopia, Voice of Unity, via Armavir (250 kW), 1507-1517
fading out, Th Apr 05, quite confusing to hear several mentions of "Andenet
Le Democracy" - with flute before and after - and thought this was ID. But
read today on that this was a "Solidarity Message to Kinijit
leaders" (Andenet Ledemocracy) and I heard a repeat of it on their site.
Surely was Tensae. (Krone)

17700, R Solh, via Rampisham, UK, 1530-1700, April 11 and 14, Dari, comments
by man announcer, Musical programme, ID "Inja Radyo Sohl Afghanistan",
sometimes holds up past 1700, scheduled until 1800, but Apr 13 after
listening to its wonderful music for the better part of an hour (not
including the Solh Theme which I thought might show up at other times
reliably), went off abruptly at 1559*, 24442. (Eramo and Hauser)Cf.
DX-Window no 321. (Ed)

17875, West Africa Democracy R, via Rampisham, 0755-0810, Apr 09, French
talks, Afropop songs with French text, cockcrow, 35343. (Petersen)
Carlos Gonçalves.

Mais informações acerca da lista CLUSTER