ARLA/CLUSTER: DX material.
Carlos L.R. de A.Gonçalves
Segunda-Feira, 30 de Outubro de 2006 - 16:32:55 WET
Dear Anker,
Here's what I could obs. while on the SW coast these past Fri-Sat-Sun.
198 R.Algérienne, Ouargla, almost luckily w/o any "dashes" of the BBC,
1626-..., 29 Oct, Arabic, Ar. music; lowish modulation I'd say; 35353. I
simply cannot get such a signal up here in the capital despite using a
similar K9AY. (Gonçalves)
2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 1850-1933, 28 Oct, English, talks, news 1930;
15241, deteriorating.
2325 VL8T, Tennant Spring NT, 1848-1921, 28 Oct, cf. 2310; 15241,
2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, 1846-1920, 28 Oct, cf. 2310; 25241, QRM at end of
observation period.
(all 3 de Gonçalves)
6025 R.Illimani, La Paz, 2352-0014, 27 Oct, Spanish, talks on home affairs,
interviews; 24432. (Gonçalves)
4775 R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2053-2106, 28 Oct, music dedications;
33332, splatter de NIG 4770.
4885 R.Club do Pará, Belém PA, 1932-..., 28 Oct, f/ball; 25231; rated 45343
later at 2045.
4915 R.Difusora, Macapá AP, 2040-2103, 28 Oct, chats & music in religious
prgr; 44343, QRM de B.
4975 R.Mundial, Osasco SP, 2221-..., 28 Oct, preacher; 25331.
4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2223-..., f/ball, advertisements, TCs;
45333, a vy. strong signal mostly spoiled by noise.
5045 R.Guarujá Paulista, Presidente Prudente SP, 2227-..., 28 Oct, f/ball
match report; 35322.
5969.9 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2345-0006, 27 Oct, talks on f/ball,
then on Sunday's elctions; 33432.
6010 R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 2348-0014, 27 Oct, chats, folk
songs, 2nd round of the pres. elections adv; 33432.
6040 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 0013-0024, 28 Oct, f/ball match report;
9630 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2107-2123, 28 Oct, songs; 45433.
9645.1 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2110-2119, 28 Oct, talks, reports &
infos on the f/ball matches; 33432, adj. QRM de CRI 9640.
9675 R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2112-2124, 28 Oct, rosary,
religious songs; 55433.
11780 R.Nac. da Amazó(ô)nia, Brasília DF, 2126-2134, 28 Oct, songs, refs. to
the Eleições 2006, music prgr "Musishow"; 35433.
11815 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2119-..., 28 Oct, f/ball match report &
infos on other results in Braz. championship, "A" series; 34433, adj. QRM.
11829.8 R.CBN Anhangüera, Goiânia GO, 2124-..., 28 Oct, f/ball match report
Goiás vs. Cruzeiro; 35433.
(all 15 de Gonçalves)
5030 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou - reactivated! -, 1733-..., 28 Oct, French,
sports, report on a bike tour; 55333, QRM de CHN till 1732*. (Gonçalves)
7230 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou - reactivated! - 1516-..., 28 Oct, African pops;
23422; rated 15331 at 1155 on 29 Oct. (Gonçalves)
4319usb AFN, Diogo Garcia island, 2214-2227, 28 Oct, English, talks on the
housing market; 44333, adj. uty. QRM. (Gonçalves)
6035 LV del Guaviare, S.José del Guaviare, 2355-0009, 27 Oct, Spanish,
talks, TS, newscast; 23432. (Gonçalves)
4800 VoChina, Ge'ermu, 1550-1600, 29 Oct, Chinese, talks; 23331 via the back
of the 225º Beverage to diminish QRM de IND at 34342 via the back of the
270º Beverage. (Gonçalves)
4820 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, 1547-1604, 29 Oct, Chinese, talks, TS 1600;
25332. (Gonçalves)
648 GRTS, Bonto, obs'ed 1907-1935, 28 Oct, Vernacular, talks; 44332, QRM de
E. (Gonçalves)
7125 R.Guinée / R.Conakry, Sonfonya, still no trace of it. (Gonçalves)
3291.1 GBC, Sparendaam, noted 2327-2352, 28 Oct, English, announcements,
TCs, Caribbean-like tunes, talks; 54343, adj. uty. QRM as usual. (Gonçalves)
207 RÚV, Eiðar, putting the best signal I ever heard from them on this fq,
2207-2216, 28 Oct, news (t); 43342, QRM de D, not MRC! At the same time,
RÚV Gufuskálar 189 rated 53453, adj. QRM only. (Gonçalves)
3315 AIR, Bhopal, 1735-1740*, Vernacular, newscast; 54343, adj. uty. QRM.
4950 AIR, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, 1602-1621, 29 Oct, Engish, talks;
25332. (Gonçalves)
5015 AIR, (which site?), 1609-1640, 29 Oct, Vernacular, folk songs; talks
1630, English, sports, advertisements; 34343, QRM de UNID BC stn.
3266.4 RRI, Gorontalo, 2127-2139, 28 Oct, Bahasa Indonesia, talks, music &
songs, mostly western; 23341. (Gonçalves)
4874.6 RRI, Sorong, 2050-2114, 28 Oct, Bahasa Indonesia, talks, songs,
mostly western; 34332. (Gonçalves)
4845 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, never logged on this outlet so early,
1546-1607, Arabic, talks, news 1600; 35343 and improving. I doubt 7245 is
regular as the signal should be perceived through the adj. DRM QRM.
B06 schedule observations, R.NZi, Rangitaiki:
5950 1548-1633, 29 Oct, English, talks, news 1600, extensive weather
forecast; Natl.R. prgr "Aoteaoroa" (t), weather again 1630, then gone at
recheck 1641 at which time there as heavy adj. QRM; 55433. (Gonçalves)
9890 1014-1220, 29 Oct, English, music, talks... news 1100, 1200; 42542,
adj. QRM de RNW 9895. Acc. to their B06 sched., 9890 is used 0659-1058.
15720 evenings, no signal. (Gonçalves)
4950 R.Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, 2217-..., 28 Oct, Spanish, songs,
advertisements; 35332. (Gonçalves)
7285 R.Thailand, Pathum Thani, 1018-..., 29 Oct, Thai to SEAsia, talks;
24432; gone at 1055. It should put a stronger signal by mid November.
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