ARLA/CLUSTER : FW: Engenharias e Tecnologias 22, de 7 de Junho

Miguel Andrade ct1etl
Quarta-Feira, 7 de Junho de 2006 - 22:19:18 WEST

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Engenharias&Tecnologias [mailto:engtec]
Enviada: quarta-feira, 7 de Junho de 2006 19:48
Para: arla
Assunto: Engenharias e Tecnologias 22, de 7 de Junho

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Engenharias & Tecnologias

... a newsletter semanal dedicada as novas tecnologias, electricas e
Exemplar no22, 7 de Junho de 2006, Subscricao gratuita, copyright 2006

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- Notas do Editor
- Artigos de Interesse
- Novos Componentes
- Eventos
- Ideia de Montagem, circuito experimental
- Emprego!
- Acerca da Engenharias&Tecnologias, subscreva a newsletter!

Notas do Editor

     " Bolsa ibirica de energia arranca sem portugueses ".

     Quer fazer uma contribuicao, com um artigo para a
Engenharias&Tecnologias? Envie-nos um email ou um abstracto para

     Entretanto, se tiver sugestoes na medida de como podemos melhorar esta
newsletter, e o seu site, queiram fazer o favor de me contactar

Melhores cumprimentos,
Antsnio Sirgio Sena, Editor

Artigos de Interesse

# Peniche tem condigues para acolher parques de energia das ondas

Voltage monitors do more than protect processors
Voltage monitors are more versatile than the first versions from long ago.
They often do the job of a comparator with less and for less. Here are some
uses for the voltage monitor that you may not have thought about.

Japanese power-supply vendors see engineers as competitive advantages
Warnings in the business and trade media are currently bombarding engineers
in the United States and Europe that well-educated, relatively low-paid
Chinese engineers present a seemingly insurmountable threat to their US and
European livelihoods.

Enslaved viruses build tiny batteries
Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have altered the
genes of a common virus to self-assemble into the anode of a yet-to-be-built
lithium-ion battery. Genetic manipulation causes the microbes to make
proteins on their coats that collect molecules of cobalt-oxide and gold in a
room-temperature reaction.

Tutorial: Mesh, motes and more
Mesh networking makes wireless feasible in tough industrial environments
such as refineries.

Cosmic rays damage automotive electronics
While the concept of bombardment of neutrons from space sounds like
something straight out of Star Trek, neutron-induced errors are a dangerous
reality for many types of automotive electronic equipment.

Fabrics get smart
If your idea of "smart fabrics" is a pair of khaki pants that sheds food
stains, think again. The smartest fabrics are becoming electro-active,
allowing them to address far more important engineering problems than
whether you wear your lunch to an afternoon meeting. These textiles can help
you build flexible sensing systems, detect chemicals, generate mobile power
and perform other tasks.

Robot interfaces with the brain
Researchers have developed a new "Brain Machine Interface" that allows
robots to decode and act on brain activity in humans.

Oh, to be invisible, well just maybe?
Invisibility cloaks may be the stuff of fiction but a group of scientists
from universities in the UK and US are suggesting that they understand the
theory behind a potential 'cloaking' or shielding device that renders
whatever is placed inside it invisible.

Can photovoltaics power portables?
Perhaps you've been following the light -- that is, the articles in the news
about photovoltaics (for example, the article above) and how we can use it
to power almost any device made. But are we able to productize this
technology to operate our tools. What do you think it will take before we
designers implement photovoltaics in our electronic products? Or will it be
something else?

Novos Componentes

White LED from Lamina Ceramics emits 600lumens

FRAM and flash memory combined on microcontroller

Microchip Technology's latest microSOLUTIONS e-newsletter


2006 IEEE MTT-S International
Microwave Symposium
June 1116
San Francisco, California

Ideia de Montagem, circuito experimental

Protected EEPROM Operations
Nonvolatile memory is essential for embedded microcontroller applications.
This application note explains how to use a transaction-based
commit-rollback mechanism to protect the contents of an external EEPROM
memory device.

Selecting a Backup Source for Real-Time Clocks
This alternate supply source allows the RTC to maintain the current time and
date while the main power source is absent. This application note discusses
the various types of alternate supplies that can be used, as well as some of
the criteria a designer should consider when selecting a backup source.

A simple software lowpass filter suits embedded-system applications
Building a digital equivalent of an analog lowpass RC filter requires just a
couple of lines of fixed-point C code.

Power Supply ManagementPrinciples, Problems, and Parts
Determining whether a supply voltage is above a threshold or within an
operating windowand powering supplies on or off in the correct sequence
with respect to each otheris vital for safety, economy, durability, and
proper operation of electronic systems. This article discusses how power
supply designers are using flexible supply  monitoring, sequencing, and
adjustment circuits to manage their systems.

What Is an iButton? -  This application note is a broad introduction to the
iButton. It discusses the iButton basics: what it is, how it is constructed,
and some of its applications. It explains how a system can communicate to
the iButton through its 1-Wire interface. The note also describes: types of
iButtons; iButton durability; its guaranteed unique 64-bit serial number;
and available iButton accessories.

Building a 1-Wire Temperature Logger Using the MAXQ3210  - This application
note describes a temperature logging application using the MAXQ3210
microcontroller and the DS1822 1-Wire Digital Thermometer. Temperature
values are logged into the MAXQ3210's internal EEPROM for later download and

Microcontroller simplifies battery-state-of-charge measurement - Monitor
battery status for renewable energy systems.


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Elictrica e/ou Electrsnica, que faremos por as publicar.

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