ARLA/CLUSTER FW: Engenharias&Tecnologias, newsletter n.6,
15 de Fevereiro de 2006
Miguel Andrade
Sábado, 25 de Fevereiro de 2006 - 22:57:37 WET
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Engenharias Tecnologias [mailto:engtec]
Enviada: quarta-feira, 15 de Fevereiro de 2006 23:20
Para: ct1etl
Assunto: Engenharias&Tecnologias, newsletter n.6, 15 de Fevereiro de
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N: de exemplares entregues na passada semana: 2650
Engenharias&Tecnologias n.6 Copyright 2006, 15 de Fevereiro de 2006
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EDITOR: Antonio Sergio Sena, asena
- Notas do Editor
- Artigos de Interesse
- Novos Componentes
- Eventos
- Ideia de Montagem, circuito experimental
- Emprego!
- Acerca da Engenharias&Tecnologias
Notas do Editor
Depois do intripido avango, na semana passada, da SONAE contra a PT, parece
que o assunto estabilizou, pouco se tem falado sobre o assunto, e o "Prss e
Contras" da passada 2a feira pouco acrescentou ao debate nacional.
E como esta newsletter inside fortemente em tecnologia, i de realgar o
comentario do Presidente da Republica ao tema das Energias Alternativas,
quando diz que lamenta atraso de Portugal nas energias renovaveis
Parece que o gigante do caminho maritimo para a mndia se voltou para as
novas energias, como forma de evolugco natural do pams. A ver vamos, se a
forga do mar tambim i aproveitada. Esperemos que sim pois, a costa marmtima
invejavel que temos, nco se pode desperdigar.
Tambim a Cbmara de Seia quer construir central de biomassa vegetal,
liderando o arranque deste tipo de transformagco energitica. Pode pensar-se
que isto pouco tem a ver com o restante dos artigos nesta newsletter, mas eu
seguramente discordo dessa ideia pois trata-se de uma forma tecnolsgica, que
engloba varias vertentes da Engenharia. E numa fase posterior, a nossa i
muito usada.
E acima de tudo, o reaproveitamente orgbnico i imperativo e esta na ordem do
"Daqui a 30, 40 anos, o hidroginio tera condigues para ser usado como uma
fonte primaria de energia". Vem tarde, mas vem.
"Hydrogen is not a new source of energy. It is only another carrier of
electric power."
Se ja existem telemoveis com pilha de hidroginio, e os carros a Diesel andam
com sleo de fritar batatas, nco tarda temos toda a energia em formato
hidroginio. Podera ser interessante ver onde vai tudo parar.
Fico, como sempre, disponivel para receber os vossos comentarios, ou
notmcias que me queiram fazer passar.
Artigos de Interesse
# Euro-zone unemployment up to 8.4% - EU25 unchanged at 8.5%
Euro-zone seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 8.4% in December 2005,
compared to 8.3% in November. It was 8.8% in December 2004. The EU253
unemployment rate was 8.5% in December 2005, unchanged compared to November.
It was 9.0% in December 2004.
# Will WiMAX be left out in the cold?
There is no doubt that WiMAX technology is very exciting stuff with the
prospect of being able to connect at any time from nearly anywhere (IEEE
802.16e, Mobile).
# Friend or foe: Battery-authentication ICs separate the good guys from the
All battery packs are not created equal: Unauthorized after-market packs may
contain cells that can self-destruct when you charge them at the higher
voltages that new lithium-ion technologies demand. Battery- authentication
ICs use advanced security methods to weed out counterfeits.
# New Audio Solutions Guide Available for Audio Innovation
Get to market faster with TI's analog and DSP products that deliver the most
reliable, scaleable and power-efficient solutions for the most complex to
the simplest audio designs. TI provides the silicon, software, systems
expertise and support for the entire audio signal chain. Download the new
Audio Solutions Guide today to learn about TI's all-digital audio and
digital+analog audio solutions.
# electronica 2006 - Call for papers for Embedded Conference Munich
# Memory Bulletin: NAND outperforms the market
# How to build WiMax networks; a global reality educational series sponsored
by NetworkAnatomy
Marcel Bellingue, manager of marketing and communications for the
Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO) in London, England said
its members, like many other national and international membership
engineering and technology organizations, want to know how to build WIMAX
# Single-chip RF circuits coming, says analyst
# Chapter Excerpt: Managing Power Electronics
An EDN exclusive: With the kind permission of the publisher, John Wiley, EDN
is able to provide access online to chapter six, "Power Management of
Ultraportable Devices," of Reno Rossetti's new book, "Managing Power
Electronics." (32-page .pdf)
# Web Protocols for the Factory Floor
A growing number of companies are putting Internet protocols such as TCP/IP
and eXtensible Markup Language (XML) to use in gathering and sharing data
from factory floor equipment with management systems. This trend has been
boosted largely by the acceptance of Ethernet as a factory communications
The trend may still be in the early adoption stage, but its certainly
heading toward the mainstream.
# Robotics orders jumped in 2005
# Demystifying External Components in Portable Power Systems
# view this week's digital version of Electronics Weekly.
# February issue of Circuits Assembly
# To stay ahead in the Power Transmission and Motion Control markets, it's
essential to have the right tools
# Building A Calculating Machine Using LEGO
# A brief history of hard drives
# If these walls could heat-and cool
In homes of the future, walls and windows coated with an invisible layer of
micrometer-scale photovoltaic cells and thermoelectric materials will
provide heating and cooling far more efficiently than traditional systems.
# Hardware designer on an electric chair
ESD, grounding, and gremlins.
# Download Microchip Technology's latest microSOLUTIONS e-newsletter today
and find out about
# Premier Issue of the digital magazine, Electronic Design Europe, written
by engineers for engineers doing design in Europe
# LEDs Take Control of Display Backlighting in Vehicles
Automotive interior displays such as instrument clusters used to be backlit
primarily by vacuum fluorescent (VF) or incandescent lamps. Then LCDs
started to make inroads. For years, the LCD backlighting technology of
choice (and necessity) has been cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs).
CCFL-backlit LCDs, powered by DC/AC inverters, have been used to achieve the
brightness, durability, operating temperature range and styling demanded by
automotive applications...
# Slow boats from China?
Now that China has become the manufacturing Mecca of the world, the West
Coast of the United States, Southern California in particular, is seeing
unprecedented levels of container traffic moving through its maritime ports.
One of the key commodities moving through the ports, not surprisingly, is
# ADC Input Noise: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Is No Noise Good Noise?
# Low-power, super-regenerative receiver targets 433-MHz ISM band
Here's a circuit design for a super-regenerative receiver that consumes less
than 1 mW and operates in the license-free, 433-MHz ISM
(industrial/scientific/medical) band.
Novos Componentes
# Startup sees bright future for in-phone projector
Light Blue Optics Ltd., has developed a matchbox-sized video and image
projector, suitable for use with a mobile phone or iPod. With further
miniaturization the technology could be included within a mobile phone, or
within other portable equipment, as an alternative display system, the
company said.
# Ultrasonic cleaning systems save on solvent
Microsolve ultrasonic cleaning systems attain the highest cleaning standards
yet keep running costs low.
# Two 90-nm FPGA product lines hit the market with lower price tags
# New 16-bit digital signal controllers with high performance PWM
# High-performance low-power OLED displays
The RF industry's smallest, least expensive complete radio with
sophisticated protocol, AeroComm's AC4490-1x1 transceiver is literally one
inch square. It consumes very low power and costs significantly less than
other complete 900MHz wireless solutions-under $20 in volume. FHSS and
proprietary technology make the module resistant to interference and
security breaches. AC4490-1x1's imbedded protocol makes the module drop-in
ready. All hopping, syncs, data transmission/reception and other wireless
communication requirements are performed in the firmware. OEMs simply mount
the transceiver and antenna into place, then turn on the power.
# First WiMAX products using Intel technology receive WiMAX Forum
Redline Communications recently announced it has received the WiMAX Forum
Certified mark for its RedMAX Subscriber Unit (SU-O).
ARM and Handshake Solutions, a line of business of Royal Philips
Electronics, have announced the new ARM996HS processor using Handshake
Solutions' unique clockless IC design technology. The compact, clockless
ARM996HS processor is an ideal solution for automotive, medical and deeply
embedded control applications because of its extremely low power consumption
and low electromagnetic interference. The ARM996HS processor is the
industry's first licensable clockless processor and directly addresses the
needs of design engineers for technology optimised for robust and real-time
chip designs.
Fractus has worked with CSR to develop an example design of a
Bluetooth/Wi-Fi combo card that provides VoIP and Bluetooth calls running at
the same time inside a mobile handset device.
# DIGITAL POTENTIOMETERS Design Guide: 7th Edition
# Medical Electronics Solutions Bulletin - February 2006
# Low-power solution drives GPS onto mobile consumer navigation devices
GPS solutions provider SiRF Technology Holdings, Inc. has unveiled a new
SiRFstarIII-LT architecture for a wide range of GPS-enabled consumer mobile
Tuesday, February 28, 2006, 11 am PST / 2 pm EST
# Canada's First Conference on the Digital Home
Feb. 21-22, 2006, Toronto, Canada
# WiMAX Summit 2006
Feb. 21-24, 2006, Sofitel Bercy Hotel, France
# Business Outlook: Global Electronics Industry
Live two-hour FREE Webinar on Tuesday, February 18, 2006, at 11 am PST (2 pm
# Plated Plastics: Maximize Design Flexibility, Minimize Interconnect Cost
# Low-Power Techniques to Minimize Your Performance Tradeoffs
# Europe's Premier Microwave, RF, Wireless and Radar Event
# Market-Driven product management is the best way to keep your product
ahead of the competition.
February 21 @ 8:00 a.m. PST/2:00 p.m. EST/4:00 p.m. GMT
# 23rd International Battery Seminar and Exhibition
March 13-16, 2006; Broward County Convention Center, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Ideia de Montagem, circuito experimental
@ semelhanga da semana passada, aqui vos apresento mais uma ideia de
projecto, que igualmente serviu de entrada no concurso da Microchip.
Como o concurso i estrangeiro, toda a informagco esta em ingljs. O projecto
i apresentado na versco original.
Automatic Fish-Bowl Feeder and Thermostat
A PIC inside a test tube immersed in the fish-bowl controlling the fish
feeder and a electrical heater, with settings programmable via IR.
Description: the PIC works as a precision timer to periodically activates
the feeder mechanism (a electrical dc motor that open the feeder capsule by
spinning a gear with reduction box). The PIC also controls a electrical
heater by monitoring a temperature sensor MCP9700 that sends a voltage
signal proportional to temperature to be read by the A/D converter. The PIC
and the sensor should be both packaged inside a glass recipient like test
tubes and sealed to water proof. Some wires are available: one wire to
activate the electrical heater, one for the electrical motor and two for the
system power supplying. The temperature settings and feeding periods can be
programmed to PIC via an IR sensor (inside the test tube) connected to an
I/O port and programmed via a common remote control (from a TV set, using
any IR codification as for example RC5), so no need to take the tube out of
the bow. The programming check can be certified by a blinking led, also
connected to the last PIC I/O port. PIC I/O ports map: GP0 -
analog input A/D channel from the temperature sensor MCP 9700 - PIC
calculates the temperature GP1 - digital input to IR sensor interafce -
decode the IR commands GP2 - output command to feeder electrical motor GP3 -
not used GP4 - output command to electrical heater interface (power
transistor or relay) GP5 - output to led monitor Oscillator: internal 8MHz
Watchdog timer activated.
Fagam-me chegar as vagas de emprego para as areas de Engenharia Elictrica
e/ou Electrsnica, que eu farei por as publicar.
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