<div dir="ltr">All the very latest Amateur Radio news is now available via the TX Factor GB2RS weekly podcast.<br><br>THIS WEEKS HEADLINES FROM THE RSGB:<br><br>• Students to speak to Tim Peake in space<br>• RSGB General Manager to retire<br>• Beware third party traffic<br><br>Need to catch up with all the latest developments and news in amateur radio?<br><br>Make sure you subscribe by visiting <a href="http://www.txfactor.co.uk">www.txfactor.co.uk</a> or, via iTunes by searching the iTunes Podcast section for TX Talk.<br><br>News broadcasts are made available every Saturday and the TX Factor website also holds an archive of previous podcasts should you wish to recap on a previous weeks’ news!<br><br>GB2RS News for 10 January 2016 is read by Mike Marsh - G1IAR</div>