<div dir="ltr"><h1>Best practice in promoting Amateur Radio</h1><p><strong> Michael Sansom G0POT</strong> brings news of the <strong>RSGB Inspire</strong> focus group seeking best practice when promoting Amateur Radio at special events open to the public <br><br> The group aim to share and discuss ideas and experience running Special Events and Demonstrations to members of the public to identify successful approaches to promoting Amateur Radio in the UK.<br><br> If you have read page 8 of this month's Radcom you will be aware that I am leading an investigation into the experiences and approaches of UK Clubs and Societies when it comes to attracting newcomers to Amateur Radio with a particular focus on running public events.<br><br> I am looking for ideas and approaches that are proven to be successful in attracting new Amateurs both young and old. These may include targeting specific events, targeting specific age groups, using specific demonstrations or just the way you engage with the public.<br><br> I would like to publicise the work I’m doing and invite all interested parties to come and join the discussion. I have created a Yahoo group to act as a focal point for sharing thoughts and critiquing ideas. I would be grateful if you could share these details with your Club Members and encourage those with experience and ideas to come and join.<br><br> The group can be found by searching Yahoo Groups for rsgb_inspire or following this link: <a href="https://groups.yahoo.com/groups/rsgb_inspire/" target="_blank">https://groups.yahoo.com/groups/rsgb_inspire/</a><br><br> The research is due to conclude in about 6 months at which time I will report to the RSGB on a portfolio of best practice which can then be shared with Clubs and Societies across the UK. It will also act as a guide to the RSGB where they may be able to support our endeavours to promote Amateur Radio.<br><br> If you would like further information including the Terms of Reference for the Working Group then please do not hesitate to contact me.<br><br> Many thanks for your support,</p><p><em><strong> Michael GØPOT</strong></em><br><a href="mailto:g0pot@metalkettle.co.uk">g0pot@metalkettle.co.uk</a><br><br> PDF of Alex Discovers Amateur Radio available at<br><a href="http://rsgb.org/main/get-started-in-amateur-radio/alex-discovers-amateur-radio/" target="_blank">http://rsgb.org/main/get-started-in-amateur-radio/<br> alex-discovers-amateur-radio/</a></p></div>