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Noble Radio NR-4SC 4 Meter SSB/CW Transceiver</span></font></font></p><font size="3"><font color="#000000"><p>New on the market<br> The <strong>NR-4SC</strong> is a simple to use 10 Watt (minimum) 4 Meter SSB/CW transceiver. </p><p>The radio operates USB and CW. </p><p>The NR-4SC uses a single conversion design with an IF frequency of 10.7 MHz. Front end bandpass filters limit out of band signals into the RF Preamp stage.</p><p> A double balanced diode ring mixer provides good strong signal handling capability. There are two 8 pole crystal filters following the mixer which are designed for 3.0 kHz and 500 Hz -6dB bandwidths. The 3 kHz filter allows for good SSB voice fidelity while the 500 Hz filter provides good adjacent channel rejection on CW. Either filter can be selected in both modes.</p><p><img align="right" src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10405445_804442012912653_3250036692388583566_n.jpg?oh=02e528be01d80a703a2bffe5aed718f3&oe=548498AC&__gda__=1418809381_bcbff5347dfa9d8e7ed28880cf98dd42" width="400">Two IF amplifier stages and fast attack AGC provide good re-ceiver sensitivity while leveling the audio output on strong sig-nals. AGC action starts at approximately a -120 dBm input signal level. </p><p>The local oscillator is derived from a DDS/PLL circuit pro-viding a high degree of stability and low noise. </p><p>A high stability 107.374 MHz reference oscillator is used for all local oscillator generation. The high frequency provides low DDS spurious out-put. </p><p><img align="right" src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10622914_804441852912669_3721038170826765502_n.jpg?oh=4454ac506a46da4385b0a2d61520ca9a&oe=54889EED&__gda__=1418434148_1ae440a5ad44b6000a4de5ed827de9d7" width="395">The transceiver offers a 10.7MHz IF out on the back panel for connection to an SDR so it may be used with a PC for a Spec-tral Display.<br> Other features of the <br> NR-4SC include RIT (Receiver Incremental Tuning) and SPLIT mode functions as well as a built in Iambic Keyer for CW. The AGC rate has a FAST and SLOW speed to suit operator preference.</p><p>Specifications<br> 1) SSB/CW<br> 2) 10 Watt output power<br> 3) Built in Iambic keyer<br> 4) Analog S-meter, not a bargraph.<br> 5) RIT<br> 6) SPLIT<br> 7) Variable Speed Tuning VST<br> 8) Wide and Narrow filter<br> 9) Fast and Slow selectable AGC<br> 10) Output to key an external Amplifier<br> 11) Can be switched for QSK and Non QSK compatible Amps<br> 12) Simultaneous display of RX and TX frequencies<br> 13) 13.8VDC at 4 Amps TX current<br> 14) 650 mA RX current<br> 15) Built in loudspeaker<br> 16) Audio output .6 Watt<br> 17) 10.7 MHz IF output<br> 18) RX Sensitivity -130dbm MDS<br> 19) IF rejection greater than 100db<br> 20) Blocking dynamic range 107db<br> 21) Third Order Dynamic Range = 96db (IP3 = +14dBm)<br> 22) 2nd Order Dynamic Range 87db (IP2 = +44dBm)<br> 23) TX spurious is better than - 55dBc which meets CE ETSI EN301 783-1 standards</p><p> Price in The Netherlands : € 499,00 incl. 21% Dutch VAT. <br> More information at : <a href="http://www.nobleradio.eu/" target="_blank"><font color="#0066cc">www.nobleradio.eu</font></a> <br> Also available : NR-6SC 6 Meter SSB/CW Transceiver</p><p> <em><strong>Rob PE9PE </strong></em></p></font></font><em><strong></strong></em></div></div>