<div dir="ltr">New Product - End Fed Tuner Kit<p>Portable radio specialists <strong>SOTABEAMS</strong> has introduced a kit version <br> of their popular QRP Mountain Tuner. </p><p>The <strong>Mountain Tuner</strong> is designed for use with end-fed half-wave antennas from 40 <br>
through to 17 metres.</p><p>The unique design allows the Mountain Tuner to be pegged down along with the end of the antenna making it easier to use. It also provides a mounting option to use the tuner with an elevated feed system. This reduces losses by keeping the end of the antenna clear of the ground.</p>
<p>The Mountain Tuner is now available ready-built or as a kit.</p><p>The Mountain Tuner is rated at 6 Watts.</p><p><a href="http://www.sotabeams.co.uk/mountain-tuner-40-17m-kit-or-built/" target="_blank"><font color="#0066cc">http://www.sotabeams.co.uk/mountain-tuner-40-17m-kit-or-built/</font></a></p>