<div dir="ltr"><h1>Sunspot 652: VHF Aurora in Belgium</h1><p> During the weekend of 25 July 2004, CMEs attributed to giant Sunspot 652 caused geomagnetic storms and remarkable auroral conditions.</p><p><strong>Paul Webster PE7B</strong> was /P on a hilltop in Belgium in connection with a SOTA-DL summit activation some 40 miles away. Turning his 2-element HB9CV antenna to the north, Paul was able to receive (and also record) strong auroral 2m signals from stations as far south as Cornwall and South Wales.</p>
<p>On the 10th anniversary of this notable propagation event, Paul has compiled a short video using audio recordings made during the auroral opening.</p><p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/V-MWEna3DJQ?rel=0">http://www.youtube.com/embed/V-MWEna3DJQ?rel=0</a><br>