<div dir="ltr"><h1>DB0IH beacon upgraded</h1><p>The <strong>DB0IH</strong> beacon on 70 cm has been heavily upgraded and is now frequency and time locked to GPS. Thus it can be used for both frequency calibration and conditions monitoring.</p>
<p>Beacon data is now:<br> Frequency: 432.447 MHz<br> Locator: JN39HJ<br> Location: Rehlingen-Siersburg, Germany<br> Power: 15 W ERP<br> Antenna: HoLoop, 340 m asl<br>
Sequence: PI4 (call), CW (call and locator) and carrier in a 1 min cycle<br> Keeper: Georg, DF1VW</p><p>Reports are more than welcome!</p></div>