<div dir="ltr"><h1>SPROUT Slow Scan TV and Digitalker active</h1><p> Slow Scan TV (SSTV) images in Scottie 1 format have been successfully received from the amateur radio satellite SPROUTĀ on 437.600 MHz FM (+/- 9 kHz Doppler shift). The Digitalker has also been active <br>
<br> SPROUT, a 20 x 20 x 22 cm amateur radio nano-satellite with a mass of 7.1 kg, launched successfully with the L-band (1236.5 MHz/1257.5 MHz/1278.5 MHz) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite ALOS-2 on May 24, 2014 at 0305 UT. SPROUT is now in a 654 km, 97.9 degree inclination Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO).<br>
<br> SPROUT (Space Research On Unique Technology) was built by students from Nihon University and its amateur radio objectives are: <br><br> - A FM Digitalker will enable the satellite to speak to amateurs around the world.<br>
<br> - The Voice Message Box will record transmissions from radio amateurs and play them back.<br><br> - Pre-loaded images from the Message Gallery can be transmitted using Slow Scan TV (SSTV).<br>
<br> - Pictures of the Earth can be transmitted by SSTV and radio amateurs can receive it using free software such as MMSSTV. As part of the Earth mapping project the team ask radio amateurs to contribute pictures they have received from the satellite for display on the SPROUT website.<br>
<br> - The satellite also has a packet radio Digipeater and Text Message Box function.<br><br> Callsign: JQ1ZJQ<br> Mode: 1200bps AFSK, 9600bps GMSK<br> CW downlink 437.525 MHz<br>
FM packet downlink 437.525 MHz<br> Digipeater uplink 437.600 MHz<br> Digitalker downlink 437.600 MHz<br> SSTV downlink 437.600 MHz<br><br>
SPROUT English website <br><a href="http://sat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/sprout-e/"><font color="#0066cc">http://sat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/sprout-e/</font></a><br><br> Free Slow Scan TV (SSTV) software MMSSTV <br>
<a href="http://hamsoft.ca/pages/mmsstv.php" target="_blank"><font color="#0066cc">http://hamsoft.ca/pages/mmsstv.php</font></a><br><br> Further information at <br><a href="http://amsat-uk.org/2014/05/31/sprout-sstv-digitalker-active/" target="_blank"><font color="#0066cc">http://amsat-uk.org/2014/05/31/sprout-sstv-digitalker-active/</font></a> </p>