<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Bons dias boa gente<br><br></div>Entrei em contacto com o help desk do QRZ, e recebi resposta que devido a um lamentável erro, o QRZ perdeu imensas fotografias, e estão a tentar resolver o problema, mas é possivel que algumas fotos dos perfis dos rádio-amadores fiquem perdidas, sendo que, poderão ser colocadas novamente pelo utilizador.<br>
</div><br></div>Resposta do apoio técnico:<br><br>" <br clear="all"><table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><p>
<em>The support team sent the following message: </em> </p>
<td style="background-color:rgb(238,255,238);border-color:rgb(51,51,51)">
Recently, we lost a few hundred of your photos after I made a stupid
programming mistake. I'm terribly sorry this happened and I want
everyone to know that I take full responsibility for the error. <br>
I was trying to correct a problem where some files had names that
caused issues with the system. These were simple things like illegal
punctuation in the file name, that causes our Linux system to cough. I
wrote a program to go out and find these bad file names and rename them
to something that would not cause further issues. <br>
What happened, however, was a programmer's nightmare of unintended
consequences. What transpired was that after the files were renamed,
they became protected by the file system permissions system. This made
the files appear to be "unreadable" and this pushed them into the
picture review queue. The files were OK, but could not be viewed due to
the permissions problem. I corrected the problem, however, not before
several hundred of them were mistakenly identified as bad images and
were permanently deleted. Many of you were notified that the pictures
were removed for "not meeting our standards of publication," which was
completely false. <br>
This has all been terribly embarrassing for me and I want to formally
apologize to all of you who were affected by the mistake. The emails
that suggested that the images were unacceptable were downright false,
and you should not have received them. <br>
I'm happy to say that the error has been corrected, however, some of
the files were permanently deleted. We still have over 950,000 files on
the system, not counting another 50 thousand that are hosted on other
sites. Still, we deeply regret what happened and I hope that those of
you who were affected by my mistake will accept my apologies and upload
your images again. <br>
We're working very hard to insure that things go smoothly. We're also
sorry that some of you lost your RevolverGlobes, Flag Counters, etc.. We
have adjusted our new content management system to accept those as
well. Note that this problem did not affect everyone. If you haven't
updated your page in a few days, you probably won't notice a thing
different, unless you were one of the unlucky ones who lost an image or
two. Regrettably, we cannot restore your pages to the way they were
before, because the data was not saved. <br>
Thanks to all who have been encouraging us and for being patient as we
fine tune the system. It's not our intent to limit or take away anything
that our users want, but the introduction of new rules always causes an
uproar. Clearly, 99% of everything on QRZ was perfectly family
friendly, however, that small 1% was enough to create a wave that has
now affected us all. <br>
Even though 60,000 hams visit QRZ every day, there are only 3 paid
employees at QRZ headquarters, and only two of us are programmers. We're
working overtime to keep QRZ up to the highest standards possible, and
to provide the best website in ham radio. <br>
73 -fred </p>
73, The QRZ Support Team </p></td></tr></tbody></table><div><div><div><div>"<br><br><br>73,<br><br><br></div><div>CS7AEL<br></div><div>-- <br>Cumprimentos;<br><br>Luís Filipe Garcia S.