<div dir="ltr"><h1><strong>Cross Country Wireless</strong> have just released a HF Upconverter. This will allow HF or VHF SDR receivers such as the RTLSDR dongles, Funcube or our own SDR-4+ receiver to work on HF, LF and VLF.</h1>
<p>Unlike other upconverters currently available we have added the RF protection features from our SDR-4+ receiver including an antenna isolation transformer and RF over-power protection. This protects the SDR receiver or dongle and the attached PC from damage caused by static electricity charges on the antenna or nearby high power transmitters.</p>
<p>There are two versions of the Upconverter. One has a 125 MHz local oscillator and the frequency range is 12 kHz to 45 MHz. This is intended for use with the RTLSDR and Funcube dongles.</p><p>The other version has a 10 MHz local oscillator and is designed for use with the SDR-4+. This has a frequency range of 12 kHz to 1.6 MHz.</p>
<p>More details of the Upconverter here:<br><a href="http://www.crosscountrywireless.net/upconverter.html" target="_blank"><font color="#0066cc">http://www.crosscountrywireless.net/upconverter.html</font></a></p><p>There is a YouTube video of the Upconverter working with a SDR-4+ receiver listening to LF and VLF signals on an 80m dipole. </p>