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<h1>Ham Radio Noise Power Ratio Testing</h1>
<p>Episode 117 of <strong>HamRadioNow</strong> covers the presentation on receiver testing given at the TAPR-ARRL amateur radio Digital Communications Conference <br><br>How good is your receiver? Inquiring hams want to know. <br>
In this talk from the 2013 ARRL and TAPR DCC, <strong>Adam Farson VA7OJ</strong> describes a technique used years ago by the telecom industry to generate a strong block of noise, notch it at a receiver's IF, inject it into the receiver and see how much of the junk outside the IF was getting through to raise the noise floor (at least that's how I understood his talk!). The test equipment to do this used to cost many thousands of dollars, but like much of that old, obsolete stuff, you can pick it up cheap if you know where to look.<br>
<br>So, how good is your receiver? Test it yourself!<br><br>Adam's web site is <a href="http://ab4oj.com/" target="_blank">http://ab4oj.com/</a><br><br>Watch HamRadioNow Episode 117 from the DCC: Noise Power Ratio Testing <a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_98_FRkrG10?rel=0">http://www.youtube.com/embed/_98_FRkrG10?rel=0</a><br>
<br><br><br>Ham Radio Now <a href="http://hamradionow.tv/" target="_blank">http://HamRadioNow.tv/</a> </p></div>