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<h1>60 metre propagation research</h1>
<p>South Africa's <strong>Kempton Park Amateur Radio Technical Society</strong> (KARTS) currently has an operational 60 metre Beacon transmitting on 5250 kHz at 5min intervals with PSK31 as the preferred mode.</p>
<p>Please visit the KARTS website at <a href="http://www.zs6kts.co.za/" target="_blank">www.zs6kts.co.za</a> for more detailed information regarding the beacon. </p>
<p>Should you hear this beacon please send a signal report to beacon<at><a href="http://zs6kts.co.za">zs6kts.co.za</a> and copy propresearch<at><a href="http://sarl.org.za">sarl.org.za</a>. <br>Please include your locator number. </p>
<p>KARTS is planning to include a CW signal as well a WSPR which is a Weak Signal Propagation Reporter transmission scheme available with the WSJT software suite, created by Joe Taylor, K1JT. </p>
<p>The loosely-coordinated beacon transmitters and receivers, collectively known as the WSPRnet, report the real-time propagation characteristics of a number of frequency bands and geographical locations via the Internet.</p>
<p><font size="1">Fonte: <a href="http://www.sarl.org.za/Default.asp" target="_blank">The South African Radio League</a></font></p></div>