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<DIV>This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided
by<BR>NC1L, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL,
Contest<BR>Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.<BR>Thanks to all.<BR><BR>MONTENEGRO, 4O. Alex, UA3RF, and Nick,
RK3RB will be QRV as 4O/home<BR>calls from July 21 to 24. Activity will be
holiday style on the HF<BR>bands. QSL to home calls.<BR><BR>CYPRUS,
5B. Operators 5B4MF, 5B4ZN, 5B4AHE and 5B4AMF are QRV as<BR>home calls/p
from Agios Georgios Island, IOTA AS-120, until July 21.<BR>Activity is primarily
on 20 and 17 meters using SSB with two<BR>stations active simultaneously.
This may include 30 meters using CW<BR>as well. QSL to home
calls.<BR><BR>GHANA, 9G. Jeff, W7JVN is QRV as 9G5AC from Asamankese while
on a<BR>16-month missionary assignment. Activity is on 20 and 15
meters,<BR>using mostly SSB with some CW and PSK as his work permits. QSL
via<BR>K7JH.<BR><BR>CHINA, BY. A number of members of the Marconi Radio
Club in Weihai<BR>plan to be QRV as BY4IB/4 from Jiming Island, IOTA AS-146,
from July<BR>21 to 29. Activity will be on the HF bands using all
modes. This<BR>includes being active in the upcoming IOTA contest with
several<BR>stations. QSL via BY4IB.<BR><BR>MOZAMBIQUE, C9. Gert,
ZS6AYU is QRV as C91GR from Bilene until July<BR>23. Activity is holiday
style on 40 to 10 meters using CW. QSL to<BR>home call.<BR><BR>ENGLAND,
G. Special event station GB558VUL will be QRV beginning<BR>July 20 to
September to commemorate the support effort behind<BR>getting the last Vulcan
XH558 aircraft back into the air. QSL
via<BR>bureau.<BR> <BR>THAILAND, HS. Look for
stations HS0AC, E2E, HS4AK, HS5AM and others<BR>to be QRV in the CQ World Wide
VHF contest. QSL via
operators'<BR>instructions.<BR> <BR>JAPAN, JA.
Special event station 8J1AKIBA is QRV until August 31<BR>during the Akiba
Daisuki festival being held in Tokyo's shopping<BR>district Akihabara. QSL
via bureau.<BR> <BR>SVALBARD, JW. Winfried, DL2GW is QRV
as JW/DL2GW from Longyearbyen,<BR>IOTA EU-026, until July 23. Activity is
on the HF bands. QSL to<BR>home call.<BR><BR>LITHUANIA, LY. Special
event station LY55SOP is QRV until the end<BR>of July during the annual Sea of
Peace activity. QSL via LY5W.<BR><BR>FERNANDO DE NORONHA, PY0F. Leo,
PP1CZ will be QRV as PY0F/PP1CZ<BR>from July 25 to 30. Activity will be on
the HF bands, primarily on<BR>the newer bands, using mostly CW and RTTY with
some SSB. He may<BR>also try 160 meters. This includes being an
entry in the upcoming<BR>RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via operator's
instructions.<BR><BR>POLAND, SP. Special event station HF450NS is QRV from
Nowa Sol<BR>until then end of 2013 in celebration of the city's 450 years
of<BR>settlement and 270 years of city rights. QSL via
SP3KEY.<BR> <BR>CRETE, SV9. Gordon, MM0GOR plans
to be QRV as SW9GG from July 23 to<BR>30. Activity will be on the HF
bands. This includes an entry in<BR>the upcoming RSGB IOTA contest.
QSL to home call.<BR><BR>ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0. Look for station R20RRC/0 to
be QRV from<BR>Shikotan Island, IOTA AS-062, from July 20 to 27 during
the<BR>celebration of the RRC's 20th anniversary. QSL via
RZ3EC.<BR> <BR>ROMANIA, YO. Members of the radio
club in Miercurea-Ciuc are QRV<BR>with special event call sign YO1000LEANY
during July to support the<BR>folk festival The Day of Thousand Szekely
Girls. QSL via bureau.<BR><BR>ASCENSION ISLAND, ZD8. Bob, VP8LP is
QRV as ZD8LP until August 5.<BR>Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and
PSK. QSL to home call.<BR> <BR>CAYMAN ISLANDS,
ZF. Bill, W5SJ is QRV as ZF2EZ while on holiday.<BR>Activity is on the HF
bands. He will also be active in the CQ World<BR>Wide VHF contest.
The CQ Worldwide VHF Contest, North<BR>American RTTY QSO Party, QRP CW Fox Hunt,
NCCC RTTY Sprint, Russian<BR>Radio Team Championship, VK/Trans-Tasman Multi-Mode
Contest, DMC<BR>RTTY Contest, Feld Hell Sprint and the RSGB Low Power CW Contest
are<BR>all on tap for this upcoming weekend. The Run for the Bacon QRP
CW<BR>Contest is scheduled for July 22. The SKCC CW Sprint and
CWops<BR>Mini-CWT CW Test are scheduled for July 24.</DIV></BODY></HTML>