<p>Signal strength of the two ISS ham radio stations</p><div><strong>Henk Hamoen PA3GUO</strong> used his FUNcube Dongle SDR to produce a video showing the variations in signal strength between the two amateur radio stations on the ISS <br>
<br> The amateur radio station in the Russian Service Module uses a Kenwood D700 transceiver which is understood be on its lowest power setting of 5 watts output and feeds a whip antenna on the Module. When acting as a packet radio digipeater it transmits data on 145.825 MHz.<br>
<br> A second amateur radio station in the European Space Agency (ESA) Columbus Module is usually used for voice communication. It comprises Ericsson handheld transceivers believed to be capable of 5 watts output to a whip antenna on the exterior of the module. When the radio hams on-board the ISS talk to other radio amateurs on Earth they transmit on 145.800 MHz.<br>
<br> Both stations use 5 kHz deviation FM (25 kHz channel spacing).<br><br> Henk PA3GUO writes:<br><br><em>FCD SDR recording of ARISS Italy school contact with astronauts onboard the ISS. Purpose is to show the signal strengths of the 2 transceivers onboard ISS: Ericsson Voice transceiver (left) and Kenwood data transceiver (right). At time 11:54z [2013-06-29] my antenna had to turn 180 degrees, signal is lost for a while. Remarkable: at the beginning voice TX signal is strong, even a bit stronger as data TX signal. At the end of the pass data keeps strong, voice fully drops into the noise. Seems the antenna of the Voice [ESA Columbus Module] transceiver is somewhat (more) shielded by the ISS exterior (e.g. solar panels).<br>
<br> 29 June 2013, school contact Italy with International Space Station<br> Frequency: 145.800 + 145.825 MHz<br> Antenna: 6 elements + 15 meters Aircell coaxial cables<br> Receiver: FCD SDR + SSB pre-amp (mounted next to the FCD SDR)<br>
Software: HDSDR (SDR receiver) + SatControlFCD (DK3WN freq control)</em><br><br> Watch ARISS Italy ISS SDR recording (speech and data spectrum)</div><div><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RfNM3bzRW_E">http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RfNM3bzRW_E</a></div>
<p><br> Russian Service Module amateur radio antennas <br><a href="http://knts.tsniimash.ru/shadow/en/FAQ.aspx" target="_blank">http://knts.tsniimash.ru/shadow/en/FAQ.aspx</a><br><a href="http://www.marexmg.org/hardware/antennas.html" target="_blank">http://www.marexmg.org/hardware/antennas.html</a><br>
<br> Astronaut Radio Amateurs <br><a href="http://www.w5rrr.org/astros.html" target="_blank">http://www.w5rrr.org/astros.html</a><br><br> PA3GUO website <br><a href="http://www.pa3guo.com/" target="_blank">http://www.pa3guo.com/</a></p>