<div> This year again sees the <strong>Humber Fortress DX Amateur Radio Club</strong> participating in the International Museums on the Air event.<p>Operating from both the club house station and the new mobile shack station within the grounds of <strong>Fort Paull</strong> museum.</p>
<p>This has been one of our popular events in past years with over 10,000 stations contacted worldwide!</p><p>Listen for <strong>GB0FP</strong> on 160, 80, 40, 20m and local vhf or check out the DX clusters.</p><p>Fort Paull is a great place to visit as it takes you back to the Napoleonic times when this establishment was first in use in the 15th century through world wars 1 and 2 and up to the late 1960s when it was decommissioned by the MOD.</p>
<p> A family venue with lots to do to entertain the children whilst mum and dad relax and un-wind in the well kept grounds or visit us at our radio shack.</p><p><img border="1" src="http://pcsystems-ss.co.uk/hfdxarc1/wp-content/uploads/images//2410866741_88da5dc349_o-1024x456.jpg" width="608" height="272"><br>
<br> Fort Paull is also the home of the last remaining Blackburn Beverly XB259 transport aircraft in the world, a unique aircraft open to the public with lots of displays inside and out. </p><hr align="center" width="30%" noshade>
<p>MUSEUM No' . 5099<br> WAB . TA12<br> LOCATOR . IO93VR</p><p>Details can be found on <a href="http://QRZ.COM">QRZ.COM</a> about the club (MX0HFC) or just click on the link below.</p><p> (several links to on-line live camera's, club web site, guestbook to sign!)</p>
<p> Sign Guestbook <a href="http://hfdxarc.co.uk/?page_id=792" target="_blank">http://hfdxarc.co.uk/?page_id=792</a></p><p> Club web site. <a href="http://www.hfdxarc.co.uk/" target="_blank">http://www.hfdxarc.co.uk</a></p>
<p> Fort Paull web site <a href="http://www.fortpaull.com/" target="_blank">http://www.fortpaull.com</a></p><p> Int museums web site <a href="http://www.ukradioamateur.co.uk/imw" target="_blank">http://www.ukradioamateur.co.uk/imw</a></p>
<p>If you do work GB0FP, we would appreciate you signing the guestbook on the club's web site.</p><p> We look forward to working you over the 2 weekends the event is activated.</p><p>Hear you all on the air</p><p> Regards</p>
<p> <em><strong>Andy G7LRR<br></strong></em>Chairman HFDXARC</p></div>