<h1>End-to-end interstellar communication system design for power efficiency</h1><p><strong>Peter Ellis VK1PE</strong> has found an interesting academic analysis of the<br> long-distance communication problem. </p><p> Peter VK1PE:<br>
In a recent paper, <em>'End-to-end interstellar communication system design for power efficiency'</em>, <strong>David G. Messerschmitt</strong> of the University of California at Berkeley proposes various solutions to the information rate vs. average power trade-off. </p>
<p>While this paper discusses at length the SETI problem, it is probably a good read for those wanting to understand the place of channel coding and other techniques. He discusses five power-efficient design principles can asymptotically approach the fundamental limit on the information rate, and in practice increase the power efficiency by three to four orders of magnitude. The most important is to trade higher bandwidth for lower average power. </p>
<p> Messerschmitt is no lightweight in communications: Fellow of the IEEE,<br> a Member of the National Academy of Engineering, and a recipient of the<br> IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal; Professor Emeritus and former Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at the University of California at Berkeley. </p>
<p> His paper is quite readable, but at 237 pages, download it and read on a<br> screen.</p><p> <font>Reference:<br><a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.4684" target="_blank"><strong>http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.4684</strong></a> - <br>
"End-to-end interstellar communication system design for power efficiency",<br> David G. Messerschmitt, 21 May 2013</font> </p><p><font size="1">Fonte: <a href="http://www.wia.org.au/" target="_blank">Wireless Institute of Australia</a></font></p>