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<DIV>QST de W1AW <BR>DX Bulletin 12 ARLD012<BR>From ARRL
Headquarters <BR>Newington CT March 21, 2013<BR>To all radio
amateurs <BR><BR>SB DX ARL ARLD012<BR>ARLD012 DX news<BR><BR>This
week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by<BR>NC1L, The
Weekly DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX,<BR>DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and<BR>WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to
all.<BR><BR>RWANDA, 9X. Kiyo, JR1IZM is QRV as 9X0ZM in Kigali and expects
to<BR>stay here for a year. He is active in his free time on 40 to
10<BR>meters using mainly PSK31 and JT65 with some CW and SSB. QSL
via<BR>JO1CRA.<BR><BR>TONGA, A3. Jacek, SP5EAQ will be QRV as A3EAQ from
Tongatapu<BR>Island, IOTA OC-049, from March 26 to April 16. Activity will
be on<BR>80 to 10 meters using only SSB. QSL to home call.<BR><BR>BHUTAN,
A5. Yuki, JH1NBN is QRV as A52W in his spare time until<BR>March 26 while
here on business. QSL direct to home call.<BR><BR>EASTER ISLAND,
CE0. Operators G7VJR, G3TXF, G4IRN and G3ZAY are QRV<BR>as XR0YG until
March 27. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using<BR>mostly CW. QSL
via G3TXF.<BR><BR>IRELAND, EI. Olivier, ON4EI is QRV as EI8GQB from
Fethard, IOTA<BR>EU-115, until April 3 using green power. He will be
active as EI1A<BR>in the upcoming CW WW WPX SSB contest. QSL to home
call.<BR><BR>MAYOTTE ISLAND, FH. Hartwig, DL7BC will be QRV as TO7BC or
FH/DL7BC<BR>from March 26 to April 12. Activity will be on the HF bands
using<BR>RTTY and PSK31. This includes being an entry in the upcoming CQ
WW<BR>WPX SB contest. QSL to home call.<BR><BR>SWITZERLAND, HB.
Members of the Tera Radio Club are QRV with<BR>special event call sign HB30OK
until the end of 2013 in celebration<BR>of their 30th anniversary. They
will also be active in the upcoming<BR>CQ WW WPX SSB contest as a Multi/Single
entry. QSL via HB9OCR.<BR><BR>THAILAND, HS. Tana, E27EK plans to be
QRV as E27EK/p from Chang<BR>Island, IOTA AS-125, on March 26. Activity
will be on all HF bands.<BR>QSL to home call.<BR><BR>ALAND ISLANDS, OH0.
Pertti, OG2W and Raimo, OH0BCI are QRV as<BR>OH0/OG2W until March 24.
Activity is on all band and modes. QSL<BR>via OG2W.<BR><BR>BONAIRE,
PJ4. Operators Steven, W1SRD and Dean, N6DE will be QRV as<BR>PJ4/home
calls from March 26 to April 1. Activity will be on the HF<BR>bands with a
focus on RTTY. They will also be active as PJ4D as a<BR>Multi-2 entry in
the upcoming CQ WW WPX SSB contest. QSL contest<BR>call direct via W1SRD
and all others to home calls.<BR><BR>GREECE, SV. Markus, DJ4EL will be QRV
as SV8/DJ4EL from the islands<BR>of Proti and Sapientza, IOTA EU-158, from March
25 to 29. Activity<BR>will be on 15 meters. QSL to home
call.<BR><BR>TUVALU, T2. Rich, DK8YY, Detlef, DL3ALI and Ingolf, DL4JS
will be<BR>QRV as T2YY from March 23 to April 4 from Funafuti Atoll.
Activity<BR>will be with two stations on the HF bands using CW, SSB and
T5. Tevfik, TA1HZ will be QRV as T5TC in Mogadishu from<BR>March 23 to
April 4 while working on a humanitarian mission. QSL to<BR>home
call.<BR><BR>ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0. Vlad, RV3EFH will be QRV as RV3EFH/0
from<BR>Bolshevik Island, IOTA AS-042, from March 25 to October
2014.<BR>Activity will be on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters using CW, SSB
and<BR>various digital modes. QSL direct via RZ3EA.<BR><BR>UZBEKISTAN,
UK. Operator UA1ZEY is QRV as UK/UA1ZEY from Samarkand<BR>until March
31. Activity is on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL<BR>direct to
home call.<BR><BR>MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Ted, JF1CCH is QRV as V73TS until
March 26.<BR>Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using only CW. QSL to home
call.<BR><BR>NIUE, ZK2. Alan, VK4WR and Graeme, VK4FI are QRV as E6RQ and
E6SG,<BR>respectively, until March 29. Activity is mainly on 6 meters
with<BR>some HF. QSL both calls direct via
is<BR>approved for DXCC credit: Rwanda, 9X0ZM, 2013
CW Fox Hunt, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC<BR>Sprint, FOC CW QSO Party, Nauryz DX
Contest, Alaska QSO Party and<BR>the UBA Spring SSB Contest are all scheduled
for this upcoming<BR>weekend.</DIV></BODY></HTML>