Low-cost 24MHz-1.85GHz Software Defined Radio<p> Essex radio amateur <strong>Pete Sipple M0PSX</strong> picked up a Realtek RTL2832U Radio & TV Dongle for £18 at the Rainham Rally.<br><br> By simply installing some additional software he was able to covert it into a multi-mode receiver covering from 24MHz-1.85 GHz.<br>
<br> He notes that the Dongle can be bought on Amazon for as little as £14.<br><br> Read his article about how to install the free software on the Essex Ham website <br><a href="http://www.essexham.co.uk/news/realtek-sdr-pc-dongle-for-under-20-pounds.html" target="_blank">http://www.essexham.co.uk/news/realtek-sdr-pc-dongle-for-under-20-pounds.html</a> </p>