<div>Caros colegas,</div>
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<div>Estou a pensar adquirir uma V-2000, para cobrir os 50/144/432 Mhz, pois tenho muito pouco espaço e apenas um mastro e esta antena até nem é muito cara. Em principio é optima para um equipamento tipo TS-2000, ou IC-9100.</div>
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<div>Acho que pelo que li na net, em 6m só funciona bem entre 52 e 54 Mhz(repetidores FM americanos) e mesmo assim, como só tem 1 radial para os 6m, não é nada omnidireccional.</div>
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<div>Um colega espanhol fez-lhe uma modificação simples e barata e parece que resultou em cheio(basicamente montou-lhe 3 radiais de 1,45m). Ver "link" abaixo:</div>
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<div><a href="http://ea4eoz.ure.es/v2000.html">http://ea4eoz.ure.es/v2000.html</a></div>
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<div>Um colega americano escreveu o seguinte, no "eham":</div>
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<div><font color="#ff0000">>>The bad news is that the antenna is really only usable in the topmost section of the band. SWR goes up as frequency goes down; we hit 3:1 at 53MHz and it climbs rapidly below that.<<<br>
<br></font><font color="#000099">After posting this review, I realized I had improperly converted metric to inches and thus the radials were slightly short.<br><br>After adjusting the radials to more than 1/4 wavelength at 6M, the usable portion of the band shifted down somewhat. 3:1 VSWR now occurs at ~51.6 MHz and drops smoothly above that, reaching around 1.2:1 at 54 MHz.<br>
<br>We also removed the factory 6M radial and reinstalled the third homemade radial, lengthened to match the others. No change was noted.<br><br>With these mods, I consider this antenna to be adequate on 6M. It is advertised as a 52-54 MHz antenna and it does cover that bandwidth, albeit with a bit more VSWR mismatch than I'd like at the low end. 144 and 440 both work very well. I'd almost describe it as a 2.5 band antenna, since it's really only suitable for the upper portion of 6M.<br>
<br>I'm thus bumping up the rating a notch to 4. Technically it should get a "2" since it definitely "needs help", but the mods aren't difficult once you know what to do.<br><br>The remaining question is whether there are any other tribanders out there that perform better in stock configuration than this one does. Anytime you ask a single antenna to cover multiple bands there will be compromise, but sometimes one product is better at that compromise than another.</font></div>
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<div>Se alguém conhece esta antena, agradecia referências.</div>
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<div>Obrigado,<br clear="all"></div>
<div>73 de CT1PT<br>-- <br>Carlos Pinheiro<br><br></div>