<div class="gmail_quote"><p class="MsoNormal">Dr. fellows Naval Radio Amateurs,<br></p>
This year, on the 1st of July to be exactly, the MARAC exists 25 years.
To celebrate that, a special event station will be qrv in 4 periods in
2010. The callsign of the special event station will be : PC25MRC with
th MARAC-number 625.<br>
We also issue a new award, the "25 Yaer MARAC - award "<br>I
also send you 3 attatchments, one with the award, one with the qsl-card
and one with the MARAC - shield. <i><b><font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153);" size="2">We would appreciate your publishing
this info in your Clubs Newsletters and perhaps you can tell it in your
radiomeetings with the other members.</font></b></i><br>
Thanks very much in advance and hope to work you one time.<br>Vy 73<br><br>Peter / PD2PN <br><br>The four periods that PC25MRC will be QRV are :<br><br>1st of May 2010 untill the 28th of May 2010.<br>1st of July 2010 untill the 28th of July 2010<br>
1st of November 2010 untill the 28 of November 2010<br>1st of December 2010 untill the 28th of December 2010<br><br>The award can only be obtained in the anniversary year 2010.<br>The following events will take place in 2010 :<br>
On the 18th of May 2010 a 40/80 meter contest.<br>On he 1st of July 2010 MARAC birthday qsoparty.<br>On the 16th of november 2 meter contest.<br>On the 11th and 12th of December PC25MRC will participate in the International Naval Contest.<br>
The new award can be obtained by working 25 points<br>Every MARAC-member counts 1 point, PI4MRC counts 2 points and PC25MRC counts 4 points.<br>The award costs 5 Euro and can be paid by PayPal.<br><br>The
MARAC - shield can also be obtained by working 75 points. During the
four periods that PC25MRC will be QRV, a qso with a MARAC-member will
count 2 points and a qso with PC25MRC will count 4 points.<br>
All members and PC25MRC may be worked only one time. <br>The shields costs 16,-- Euro and can also be payed by PayPal.<br>Awardmanager is PA3EBA.<br>J.H. Stappenbelt, Meester Raapplein 8, 1761 DA Anna Paulowna.<br><br>During
the whole anniversary year 2010 MARAC - members can get a banner when
they have worked 25 MARAC - stations. The banner is 13,5 centimeter
long and 10 centimeter broad. The banner is free.<br>
The banner can also be obtained by NON-MARAC-members and MARAC-members that have not worked 25 MARAC-stations.<br>They must at least have worked 10 MARAC - members during the anniversary year.<br>Costs : 5 Euro.<br><br>The banners will be sent in January 2011.<br>
Bannerapplications to :<br>MARAC - activity manager PF9A.<br>M. Ouwehand, Gruttoplantsoen 14, 1131 ME, Volendam.<br><p class="MsoNormal">73 es gb de,</p><p class="MsoNormal"><br></p><p class="MsoNormal">Peter / PD2PN secretary of Dutch MARAC<br>