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Boas Tardes!<BR>
Espero que nao haja problemas com a utilizaçao destas frequencias nos paises em questao, pois custumo escutar Beacons, Estaçoes Meteorologicas e ate mesmo contacto de longa distancia de avioes nas frequencias adjacentes.<BR>
73 de Miguel<BR> <BR>
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From: joao.a.costa@ctt.pt<BR>To: cluster@radio-amador.net<BR>Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 14:08:03 +0000<BR>CC: radioamadores_algarve@yahoogrupos.com.br<BR>Subject: ARLA/CLUSTER: Plano de Banda Internacional para os 60m<BR><BR>
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<H1>Norwegian 60 metre band plan</H1>
<FONT face=Tahoma>Norwegian Radio Amateurs recently gained access to 150 kHz of 60 metres and have produced a bandplan for this new allocation.</FONT><BR>
<FONT face=Tahoma>Norwegian 60 metre allocation - 5260 kHz to 5410 kHz<BR>5305 - 5315 kHz CW - activity center 5310 kHz<BR>5335 kHz QRP activity center<BR>5335 - 5340 kHz all modes<BR>5350 - 5360 kHz digital mode - activity center 5355 kHz<BR>5375 - 5394 kHz USB - activity center 5375 kHz<BR>5403.5 kHz USB international call channel</FONT><BR>
<FONT face=Tahoma>A graphical representation of the 5 MHz bandplan is at<BR></FONT><A href="http://folk.uio.no/tomvs/la4ln/60m-bandplan-NRRL_2009_v1.pdf"><FONT face=Tahoma>http://folk.uio.no/tomvs/la4ln/60m-bandplan-<BR>NRRL_2009_v1.pdf</FONT></A><BR>
<FONT face=Tahoma>Norwegian Radio Relay League (NRRL) in Google English<BR></FONT><A href="http://tinyurl.com/NorwayNRRL"><FONT face=Tahoma>http://tinyurl.com/NorwayNRRL</FONT></A><BR></FONT></DIV>
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