Adeus PLC...Até nunca mais.<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">---------- Forwarded message ----------<br>From: <b class="gmail_sendername">N1OL</b> <<a href=""></a>><br>Date: 2008/5/8<br>
Subject: [BPLandHamRadio] Broadband service over power lines in Texas to shut down<br>To: <a href=""></a><br><br><br>
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Broadband service over power lines in Texas to shut down<br>
By PETER SVENSSON – 23 hours ago <br>
NEW YORK (AP) — Goodbye, broadband over power lines. We hardly knew <br>
Once touted as a possible third option for home broadband that could <br>
compete with phone and cable companies, the idea of providing <br>
Internet service over power lines now looks like it has died in <br>
A Texas utility company said last week that it is taking control of <br>
the equipment that was to be used in the largest planned U.S. <br>
deployment of broadband over power lines, or BPL — and won't be using <br>
it to provide Internet service.<br>
Oncor Electric Delivery Co., the Dallas-based distribution arm of <br>
former TXU Corp., said it will buy the network from BPL technology <br>
provider Current Group LLC of Germantown, Md.<br>
The network was to offer Internet service to 2 million electricity <br>
customers through their wall outlets. Instead, Oncor will use the <br>
data capabilities of the network to monitor the electric grid.<br>
"Our business is delivering electricity, not being an Internet <br>
provider or a television provider," said Oncor spokesman Chris Schein.<br>
Other BPL trials have met with similar fates, though a few are still <br>
in operation. Compared to coaxial cables and copper phone lines, <br>
power lines are poor conduits for data. Some deployments also met <br>
fierce legal resistance from ham radio operators, who found that BPL <br>
created radio interference.<br>
The Federal Communications Commission was a booster of BPL. FCC <br>
commissioner — now chairman — Kevin Martin said in 2004 that the <br>
technology had the potential to become an Internet <br>
solution "throughout the United States."<br>
Yet the FCC found only 4,776 BPL subscribers in the country at the <br>
end of 2006, the latest figures it has published. <br>
<span width="1" style="color: white;">__._,_.___</span>
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        <span style="color: white;">__,_._,___</span>
</div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Best 73 from:<br>regards from:<br>CT4RK<br>Carlos Mourato<br>Sines <br><br>Save the Radio Spectrum! Eliminate Broadband over Power Line.<br><br>Salve as frequencias de rádio. Não use a rede electrica para transmitir dados. O PLC causa fortes interferencias noutro serviços sem voce se aperceber. Diga não ao PLC.<br>
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