Exmo. Senhores<br><br>A Rede dos Emissores Portugueses recebeu esta informação, como este assunto é de interesse de todos os Radioamadores, estamos abertos a receber todas as colaborações individuais ou colectivas, (se em inglês, melhor ainda) no sentido das nossas preocupações na eventual possibilidade de afectar o nosso serviço de amador.<br>
<br>A Rede dos Emissores Portugueses no âmbito das suas funções pretende levar a informação recebida às autoridades Nacionais e Internacionais (ANACOM, IARU e ITU)<br><br>73 e Obrigado , Carlos Nora - CT1END<br>Presidente de Direcção da REP<br>
TM 963 076 931<br>NNNN<br><br><br><br>---------- Forwarded message ----------<br><span class="gmail_quote">From: <b class="gmail_sendername">Don Beattie</b> <br>Date: 19/02/2008 08:32<br>Subject: URGENT - POWERLINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS<br>
<br><br></span>*URGENT - URGENT - URGENT *<br><br>I am writing to you to ask for your urgent help. Please bring this<br>letter to the attention of your EMC specialist quickly, and ask him to<br>take action.<br><br>As you know, Powerline Telecommunications has been a potential threat to<br>
radio communications for some years. Attempts to relax interference<br>standards in the international standards organisations have so far been<br>unsuccessful. However, a special interest group, comprising mainly PLT<br>
operators, has now proposed a relaxation of CISPR 22, the standard which<br>has applied over many years, and which, in itself does not fully protect<br>radio services. The change being proposed would have the effect of<br>
relaxing CISPR22 by some 18 dB<br><br>This would have a very serious effect on radio communication, and in<br>particular on the Amateur Radio Service.<br><br>Attached is the draft of the proposed new CISPR standard.<br><br>
It is very important that ALL member societies take action to express<br>serious concern about the proposals,<br><br>All Member Societies can make input to the CISPR National<br>Standardisation group in their country. You can find out details of your<br>
own country's group at<br><br><a href="http://www.iec.ch/cgi-bin/procgi.pl/www/iecwww.p?wwwlang=e&wwwprog=membrs3.p">http://www.iec.ch/cgi-bin/procgi.pl/www/iecwww.p?wwwlang=e&wwwprog=membrs3.p</a><br><<a href="http://www.iec.ch/cgi-bin/procgi.pl/www/iecwww.p?wwwlang=e&wwwprog=membrs3.p">http://www.iec.ch/cgi-bin/procgi.pl/www/iecwww.p?wwwlang=e&wwwprog=membrs3.p</a>><br>
<br><br>The key points to cover in your input are:<br><br>a) The assumption in the proposal is that there will be a<br>Longditudinal Conversion Loss (LCL) of 24 dB in the power line. This has<br>the effect of attenuating the radio frequency emissions from the<br>
powerline. However, in reality, this is not true in the vast majority of<br>cases, and the true figure is nearer 6dB. Adopting the more accurate 6dB<br>figure would reduce the level of emissions from power lines under this<br>
draft standard.<br><br>b) The brief from the CISPR Plenary meeting was to produce a<br>standard that will provide the same level of protection as the current<br>CISPR22 standard. This is not the case with the current draft, and it<br>
should be withdrawn and a new one should be prepared which meets the brief.<br><br>You may want to send a detailed response to your CISPR National<br>Standardisation group, covering the above points in detail. If not,<br>
please submit the attached pro-forma response (comments form 257CD.doc),<br>with a covering note, making clear that you are opposed to the CISPR<br>draft CISPR/I/257/CD and inviting your national standardisation<br>committee to express severe concerns about the current draft, which will<br>
not porvide the required level of protection to radio services.<br><br>Please confirm to me what actions you take.<br><br>Regards<br><br><br>Don Beattie, G3BJ<br>Secretary IARU Region 1<br><br>-- <br><br>__________________________________________________________<br>
Copyright © 2008. Todos os direitos reservados.<br>A informação contida neste E-Mail pode ser utilizada para consulta <br>e difusão, na totalidade ou parcial, desde que mencionada a fonte <br>de origem e que não haja modificações nas suas partes.<br>
__________________________________________________________<br>Rede dos Emissores Portugueses<br>Fundada em 1926<br>Membro da IARU desde 1931<br>Instituição de Utilidade Pública desde 1980<br>Associação Nacional de Radioamadores<br>
Página na Internet em <a href="http://www.rep.pt">http://www.rep.pt</a><br>___________________________________________________________<br>E-Mail e MSN: <a href="mailto:carlosnora.ct1end@gmail.com">carlosnora.ct1end@gmail.com</a><br>
AHRAP-Historical Archive of the Portuguese Amateur Radio : <a href="http://ahrap.no.sapo.pt">http://ahrap.no.sapo.pt</a><br>____________________________________________________________