ARLA/CLUSTER: ARISS continua testes do novo sistema "MultiPoint Telebridge Contact" via serviço de amador
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quarta-Feira, 20 de Maio de 2020 - 13:48:40 WEST
ARISS continues test of MultiPoint Telebridge Contact via Amateur Radio
ARISS completed the second test of the new-style radio contact called *Multi
point Telebridge Contact via Amateur Radio*.
The concept was developed for distance learning when schools closed
worldwide due to COVID-19. The virus eliminated all opportunities for ARISS
radio contacts at education organizations.
The radio contact was completed on May 15 with ISS Commander Chris Cassidy,
KF5KDR. A new ARISS telebridge ground station was operated by *John Sygo,
ZS6JON* located near Johannesburg,South Africa.
The telebridge linked to the astronaut and each youth tied in from home via
their telephones. Each student took a turn asking their question of the
astronaut. Their families, faculty and the public could also listen from
The youth taking part in ARISS's second test belong to the Airdrie Space
Science Club in Airdrie, AB, Canada. Prior to COVID, the students had
participated in space and radio communications lessons such as balloon
launches with ham radio payloads and building model rockets to launch. *Brian
Jackson, VE6JBJ*, one of the five club leaders related, "During this
pandemic, our opportunities to develop kids' interest in space has been
interrupted. This ARISS contact gets them looking back up, towards the sky,
and imagining themselves as an astronaut one day."
*Dave Jordan, AA4KN*
ARISS Public Relations
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