ARLA/CLUSTER: Austrália: Partilha da banda dos 60m entre radioamadores e uso comercial

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 15 de Maio de 2020 - 12:39:34 WEST

60 metres moves closer in VK

The VK radio regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority
(ACMA) have produced an options paper on amateur use of the 60 metre (5
MHz) band.

“The paper proposes various options for sharing of the band between amateur
and commercial users†President of the *Radio Amateur Society of
Australia* (RASA),
Glenn VK4DU said.

ACMA are calling for comments on the paper. These close on 19th June.

RASA has conducted a 60 metre monitoring program over the past few months.

“We received numerous monitoring logs from VK amateurs†Glenn said.

“These logs, along with our own monitoring, have helped us build a picture
of 60 metre activity during daylight and evening hours from the east and
west coasts of Australia. European and US amateur stations are regularly
heard in VK on FT8 and CW at dusk and into the evening.†Glenn said.

“We believe that, with coordination, sharing is possible on 60 metres
between amateurs and commercial services.â€

“RASA have previously made submissions to ACMA on 60 metre access for
amateurs, and we will be providing a considered response to the latest ACMA
paper†Glenn said.
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