ARLA/CLUSTER: Novo website da IARU

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 30 de Janeiro de 2020 - 17:40:22 WET

New IARU website

The *International Amateur Radio Union* (IARU) has completed the
transformation of their website

IARU Secretary *Dave Sumner K1ZZ* says *"The three regional websites, all
with the same basic design, will go live over the next several days"*

The three regional sites can be accessed direct from the IARU homepage. The
three IARU Regions are organized to broadly mirror the structure of the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and its related regional
telecommunications organizations.

The Regions comprise:
• IARU Region 1: Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Northern Asia
• IARU Region 2: The Americas
• IARU Region 3: Asia-Pacific

See the new IARU website at
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