ARLA/CLUSTER: O radioamadorismo proporciona uma vida social de nível mundial durante o confinamento

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 28 de Abril de 2020 - 12:51:04 WEST

Amateur Radio provides social life during distancing

The Swindon Advertiser newspaper interviews Dave Rootes M3FGR about
amateur radio

A 63-year-old from Toothill has been taking social distancing to the
extreme with his hobby.

Dave Rootes is a keen amateur radio enthusiast and he’s been using his
equipment in his house to talk to people across the globe including
the United States of America and South Africa.

And he believes the hobby is a great way to socialise without having
to leave the house.

Read the full story at

What is Amateur Radio?

Free UK amateur radio online training courses and FAQ that describes
how to apply to take the Foundation exam online from your own home

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