ARLA/CLUSTER: Instalação de paneis solares causam interferencias de RF na Suiça

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 24 de Abril de 2020 - 15:18:46 WEST

Solar Panel installations cause RF interference in Switzerland

The USKA report the magazine Photovoltaik carries an article about the
interference solar panel installations cause to radios

A translation of the USKA post says:

What we radio amateurs have known for a long time has now been
publicly and well-reported.

The specialist magazine Photovoltaik has devoted its edition 2/2020 to
the subject of radio interference from photovoltaic systems. The
trigger was radio amateurs from Switzerland who had registered with
the magazine.

Editor-in-chief Heiko Schwarzburger, himself a qualified engineer MA,
has written three very insightful articles based on interviews with
experts on the subject and those affected.

The first article is an interview with Heinrich Häberlin, HB9AZO,
professor emeritus at the Burgdorf University of Applied Sciences and
operator of his own photovoltaic system. As the publisher of a
comprehensive standard work on photovoltaics and many other
publications, he is an important voice in the industry.

The second interview was conducted by editor-in-chief Schwarzburger
with dipl. El-Ing. ETH Emmanuel de Raemy from OFCOM, responsible for
EMC issues. Mr. de Raemy is a regular participant in the meetings
between OFCOM and USKA, which take place twice a year. He also clearly
explains that the disturbances of PV systems are a problem for all
radio services. However, it is usually the radio amateurs who are the
first to discover and can assign them thanks to their technical

In the third interview, a radio amateur spoke, who had such a hard
time with the service provided by the unintelligible manufacturer
because considerable faults were found.

We thank editor-in-chief Heiko Schwarzburger for the very informative
and well-founded contributions on the subject of EMC interference from
PV systems, and hope that the awareness of the problem will raise the
awareness of the installers and builders.

Bernard, HB9ALH
Board of Directors USKA

Magazine article

Source USKA post Photovoltaics disrupt radio traffic

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