João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Maio de 2019 - 16:10:40 WEST

IOTA News from OPDX13 May, 2019

*Island activities:*

*AS-040*. Operators Yasu/JA6WJL and Nagaisi/ JA6WIF will be active as
JA6WJL from Fukue Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27-28th) as a
Multi-1 entry. QSL via JA6WJL or LoTW. The
operators will be on the island between July 26-29th. Activity outside of
the contest will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and some RTTY.

*EU-010*. Look for GM7V to be active again from the Island of Benbecula
in the Outer Hebrides during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27-28th)
as a Multi-2 entry. Operators mentioned are John/MM0CCC, Chris/
GM3WOJ, Stewart/GM4AFF, Tom/GM4FDM and Keith/GM4YXI. Please QSL
via Steve, N3SL.

*EU-055*. Members of the Haugaland group of NRRL (LA4C) will be active
as LM450C from Utsira Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27-28th) as
a Multi-2 entry. LM450C is a special event callsign for the Haugaland group
to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Operators mentioned are Morten/LA7XIA,
Christian/LA8OM, Knut/LA9RY, Odd Arne/LB3AI, Bjorn/LA1CO and Peter/LB0K.
QSL via the Bureau or LoTW.

*EU-130*. Paolo, IV3UHL, will be active as IV3UHL/P from Marinetta or
S.Andrea Islands during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27-28th) as a
Single-Op/CW-Mode entry. He will use 100 watts into a Multi-band vertical
antenna. QSL via IV3UHL.

*EU-172*. Henning, OZ2I/OZ1BI, will be active as 5Q6EE from Fyn Island
during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 25-26th) as a Single-Op/
All-Band entry. QSL via OZ2I.

*EU-174*. Laci, HA0HW, will once again be active from Thassos Island
(GIOTA NAS-037, MIA MG-124, WLOTA LH-4186, QRA KN20HS), as
SW8WW (ex-J48HW) between May 243rd and June 5th. He will operate
mainly CW, with some SSB and RTTY/PSK on the HF bands (usually
on 40/30/20/17/12/10 meters) and on 6 meters.
He may enter the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 25-26th) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low- Power entry. His rigs are usually a FT-840 and an
IC-706 (for 6m only). Antennas are a monoband Gps on SPIDERPOLEs and
fishing poles, and a multiband doublet over his apartment house, for 6
meters a folded dipole (
as a vertical dipole on a stand-alone fishing pole.
QSL by the OQRS via ClubLog (prefered) or via his home callsign by the HA
Bureau or direct. Please look at his page.

*EU-192*. (Cancelled) NEW IOTA!! Swedish operators, members of the
Invoker Team <>, have cancelled their 8S2K from
Kataja Island later this month due to "it has been activated by others this
last winter."

*OC-142*. Steve, VK2IAY, will be active as VK2IAY/4 from Heron Island
between December 2-9th, for 1 week. Main activation area will be on or
around 14260 kHz +/- QRM on SSB only. QSL is either direct via G0UIH (or
via the ‘G’ Bureau)

PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <> have
decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX and we
will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

Check-out the latest IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
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