ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL não apoia qualquer alteração aos segmentos de 45,5 a 47 e de 47 a 47,2 GHz para a WRC-19

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 18 de Março de 2019 - 13:04:39 WET

ARRL supports no change to Table of Allocations for 45.5 - 47 and 47 -
47.2 GHz bands

The FCC has opened a brief window for public comment on
recommendations approved by the World Radiocommunication Conference
Advisory Committee (WAC). Comments are due March 18 on International
Bureau Docket 16-185.

The FCC said the short comment period was necessary to allow time to
finalize the US position for submission to the upcoming meeting of the
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL).

The Public Notice can be found in PDF format at, .

Addressing WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.13, which serves to identify spectrum
above 24.25 GHz that may be designated for International Mobile
Telecommunications (IMT), ARRL has recommended no change in the 45.5 -
47 and 47 - 47.2 GHz bands, with hopes that commenters will agree. The
47 - 47.2 GHz band is allocated to the Amateur and Amateur Satellite

ARRL and other no-change proponents point out that no sharing and
compatibility studies were performed between IMT-2020 systems and the
relevant incumbent services in the 45.5 - 47 GHz and 47 - 47.2 GHz
bands, although sharing and compatibility studies for a number of
incumbent services were required under Resolution 238 of World
Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15).

"In the absence of ITU Radiocommunication Sector studies, the only
sustainable conclusion is that it has not been demonstrated that the
incumbent services in either band - the Mobile-Satellite Service, the
Radionavigation Service, and the Radionavigation-Satellite Service in
the 45.5 - 47 GHz band, and the Amateur and Amateur-Satellite services
in the 47 - 47.2 GHz band - can be protected, as required by
Resolution 238," asserts the proponents of View B, which sides with no
change to the current allocations.

"In this regard, the View A proposal to identify mobile spectrum in
the 45.5 - 47 GHz band for the terrestrial component of IMT, and to
allocate spectrum in the 47 - 47.2 GHz band to the mobile service and
identify the same for the terrestrial component of IMT, is fatally
flawed. The absence of studies in the responsible ITU-R task group
leaves the proposals unsubstantiated and incapable of adoption."

View B proponents, including ARRL, are urging the FCC to accept the
proposals of the National Telecommunications Information
Administration (NTIA) for no change to the Table of Allocations in the
45.5 - 47 GHz and 47 - 47.2 GHz bands.

Fonte: ARRL

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