ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL lança Podcast para iniciados no radioamadorismo

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 7 de Março de 2019 - 16:51:45 WET

ARRL launches Podcast for Newcomers

A new ARRL podcast aimed newcomers to Amateur Radio will launch on
Thursday, March 7. '*So Now What?*' will alternate new-episode weeks with
the 'ARRL The Doctor is In' podcast

The ARRL announcement says:

“So Now What?†will focus on answering questions and providing support and
encouragement for new licensees to get the most out of the hobby.

Co-hosting “So Now What?†will be ARRL Communications Content Producer
Michelle Patnode, W3MVP, and ARRL Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q. The
podcast will explore questions that newer hams may have and the issues that
keep newcomers from remaining active.

“So Now What?†will be sponsored by LDG Electronics.

“No other podcast is really aimed at this segment of the Amateur Radio
community… that is being underserved, that is not getting the answers to
the many questions they have,†said ARRL Communications Manager David
Isgur, N1RSN, who will serve as the podcast’s executive producer.

Topics to be discussed in the first several episodes include getting
started, operating modes available to Technician licensees, VEC and
licensing issues, sunspots and propagation, mobile operating, contesting,
Amateur Radio in pop culture, and perceptions of Technician license

So What Now? podcast

Read the full ARRL story at
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