ARLA/CLUSTER: Revista MagPi sobre projectos baseados no RaspberryPi
dedica artigo a projectos radioamadoristicos
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quarta-Feira, 6 de Março de 2019 - 13:47:41 WET
Ham radio to feature in MagPi magazine
RaspberryPi magazine *MagPi* will feature articles on Amateur Radio
Projects in issue 80, available for Free download from March 28
The Raspberry Pi computer board has long been a favourite with radio
amateurs who have used it for a diverse range of activities such as Slow
Scan TV, Satellite Tracking, Digital ATV, VHF FM and HF SSB.
It is not yet known which projects will be featured in MagPi but be sure to
keep an eye out for issue 80.
You can follow MagPi magazine on Twitter at
Free PDF of the current MagPi, issue 79, is available at
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