ARLA/CLUSTER: UWE-4: Primeiro Nano Satélite de Amador movido a propulsão eléctrica
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quarta-Feira, 6 de Março de 2019 - 13:28:46 WET
UWE-4: First NanoFEEP thruster ignition
At 09:59:00 UT on February 26, one of the *UWE-4 CubeSat NanoFEEP* thrusters,
developed by TU Dresden and Morpheus Space, was successfully ignited
This is the first time an electric propulsion system has been activated on
board of a 1U CubeSat in space.
A voltage of more than 5kV has been produced by the power processing unit
causing a thruster emitter current of 40µA. For this very first firing a
duration of 30s was intended.
Primary mission: accomplished!
Within the next days experiments with the propulsion system for a
characterization of the thrusters will be conducted.
Thank you very much for your support! Especially the directly injected
messages into our server using the decoding tool by *Mike DK3WN* help us a
lot with our daily operations!
Kind regards,
The UWE-4 Team
UWE-4 435.600 MHz
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