ARLA/CLUSTER: Noticias sobre o radioamadorismo virtual na hamsphere 4.0

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 7 de Junho de 2019 - 13:09:19 WEST

New remote QTH on hamsphere 4.0

A lot of activity in this moment on *hamSphere 4.0* because of new remote
QTH in exotic QTHs like American Samoa, Solomon island, Caiman Islands and
7 other rare DXCC.

It is very interesting to work a pile up like during a real DX expedition!
We echange QSL cards direct via this virtual Ham radio via internet.
Of course we need to work with the propagation and VOACAP, antenna is only
a 3 elements YAGI but we have already work the 10 new RM on few bands.

Il you like to try HS4 it is possible to have a free trial for 1 month,
even you are only a SWL you can work on HS4 with a call like 26HS for
England, the amateur radio can use her calls.

If you would like to see some QSL cards received from RM activitions you
can go to my blog

Thank you and hope to have a QSO with you soon on virtual ham radio via

*Frank FØDUW*
on HamHphere 3 and 4.0 since 2012
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