ARLA/CLUSTER: Inscreva-se na webconferência "World Wide Digital DX Contest" para 4 ou 5 de Agosto de 2019

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 30 de Julho de 2019 - 18:04:56 WEST

World Wide Digital DX Contest - upcoming webinars

Extending the World Wide DX Contest into the Brave New World of
Digital Communication -- This webinar will first review the impetus
behind creating a fourth World Wide DX Contest.

The key details of the World Wide Digital DX Contest will be
described, including frequently asked questions that have arisen.

Registration – Two Dates!

Sunday, August 4 – 18:00 UTC

Monday, August 5 – 9 PM EDT (Tuesday, August 5 at 01:00 UTC)

Contact Mark Beckwith N5OT at N5OT  ARRL.NET


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