ARLA/CLUSTER: Regulador holandês apoia proposta francesa sobre a banda de 2m
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 29 de Julho de 2019 - 14:29:57 WEST
O regulador holandês anunciou que concorda genericamente com a proposta
francesa sobre a banda de 2m no futuro.
A Holanda, infelizmente, não se opõe à proposta francesa, defendendo o seu
regulador que é possÃvel ainda no futuro ter o serviço aeronáutico com
estatuto primário e os radioamadores com estatuto secundário, na faixa 144
a 146 MHz.
João Costa (CT1FBF)
144 MHz Threat: Disappointing response from Agentschap Telecom
The Netherlands communications regulator, *Agentschap Telecom* (AT), has
given a disappointing response to the call by Dutch radio amateurs for the
144-146 MHz band to be protected
France has submitted a proposal to CEPT for the ITU WRC-23 conference which
could see the key amateur band being allocated to the Aeronautical Mobile
The Netherland's national society VERON reports:
*"In a first response to the letter, Agentschap Telecom indicates that
France's proposal fits in with Dutch frequency policy. The basic principle
here is that joint use and shared use of frequency space is encouraged."*
*"The NVC (National Preparation Committee) still needs to meet on this to
decide on the proposal from France. Agentschap Telecom indicates that it is
necessary to take a good look at the actual use and to have insight into
the compatibility."*
The VERON report can be read in Google English at
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