ARLA/CLUSTER: Video demonstrativo: Usando a diversidade na recepção para cancelar a interferência local

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 25 de Julho de 2019 - 13:50:53 WEST

Using diversity reception to cancel local interference

*RTL-SDR* reports on a demonstration showing how the new RSPduo diversity
feature in SDRUno can be used to cancel local interference

In the SDRPlay video they show a broadcast AM signal that has its SNR
reduced by being on top of a local electrical noise source. The use a
Bonito Mega-dipole on tuner 1, and a Bonito Mini-whip on tuner 2. The
Mini-whip appears to receive the local interference stronger, so can be
subtracted away from the Mega-dipole's signal with the diversity function.
The result is improved SNR, and the noise is almost entirely cancelled.

Watch the video at
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