ARLA/CLUSTER: Assistente Google disponível para o radioamadorismo

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 7 de Janeiro de 2019 - 12:49:28 WET

Google Assistant available via Ham Radio

*William Franzin VE4VR* decided it would be particularly cool to make
Google Assistant available over ham radio – and that’s exactly what he did

Writing on Hackaday Lewin Day says:

William got the idea for this project after first playing with the Internet
Radio Linking Project, a system which uses VoIP technologies to link radio
networks over the internet. Already having an IRLP node, it seemed only
natural to make it into a gateway to the wider internet through integration
with Google Assistant.

Early work involved activating the assistant via DTMF tones, but William
didn’t stop there – through the use of Picovoice, it became possible to use
the system with the custom wakeword “Bumblebee”.

Read the article and watch the video at
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