ARLA/CLUSTER: Autoridade Regulatória Postal francesa aceita criar paginas em inglês

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 28 de Fevereiro de 2019 - 13:32:10 WET

Arcep: Welcome to the language of Shakespeare

France’s Electronic Communications and Postal Regulatory Authority
(Arcep) are adopting the language of Shakespeare to communicate with
the world beyond their national borders

Their new web pages say:

[Arcep] was created on January 5, 1997, and originally called the
Telecoms Regulatory Authority or ART.

A member of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic
Communications (BEREC), and deeply committed to the network of
French-speaking telecommunications regulators (FRATEL) since its
creation, Arcep is thus heavily involved in European and international

We are offering an English language version of our site to be able to
sustain this dialogue with the entire ecosystem, beyond our national
borders. On it, you will find all of our press releases, speeches,
information about Arcep and its different departments, as well as all
of our main publications, translated into the language of Shakespeare.


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