ARLA/CLUSTER: Disponível o filme do WRTC 2018 realizado em Wittenberg na Alemanha

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 28 de Fevereiro de 2019 - 13:19:07 WET

World Radio Teamsport Championships 2018 film released

Co-ordinated with the Oscars (not the Satellites) in the US, the WRTC
2018 group have released their official film of the championships last
year in Wittenberg, Germany.

The 54 minute long video covers the history of the organisation of the
event, the preparation including the test days, a lot of behind the
scenes coverage as well as the opening and closing ceremonies and of
course the event itself.

Even those not interested in contesting should find this film
interesting, showing what a small group of Radio Amateurs can do in
organising a world-class event.

The film is on the WRTC2018 channel on VIMEO and can be accessed
directly with the following URL

On behalf of the WRTC 2018 Media Team, I hope you enjoy the film

Ed Durrant DD5LP

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