Jorge Santos
Segunda-Feira, 25 de Fevereiro de 2019 - 09:31:51 WET
The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group is proud to announce a new event on
the Amateur Radio Calendar. *The FreeDV HF Digital Voice QSO Party!*
The aim is to encourage as many Radio Amateurs as possible to learn about
FreeDV and encourage as many FreeDV signals to be on the air as possible to
help spread the word about this new mode.
If you can use WSJT-X for FT8 or any other digital modes software then,
with the addition of Headphones and a microphone on your PC, you can switch
to digital voice transmission in an instant! Its that easy! So why not give
it a try? This is a great way to experiment with something new from the
comfort of your own armchair. All it takes is a little bit of time to
download, install and setup the software - nothing more!
What to know more? The QSO party rules are below, plus details of where to
get FreeDV are included later in this bulletin. Read on!
The Rules
*When: *April 27th 0300z to April 28th 0300z 2019
*Where: *All HF Bands from 80m - 10m (excluding the WARC bands)
*How:* Work as many stations as possible using the FreeDV 700D or FreeDV
1600 modes in 24 hours.
*Centre Frequencies:* 1870kHz, 3630kHz, 7180kHz, 14130kHz, 21180kHz,
28330kHz (chosen in accordance with IARU Bandplans)
*Points: Stations participating can earn points per QSO*
- 1 point per contact within a continent
- 5 points per contact between continents
- 50 points per contact with VK5ARG
(AREG's club station is planned to be manned for the 24hrs looking
particularly for inter-continental DX on 40/20 and 15m)
- 1 per call area in VK/VE/JA/ZL per band +
- 1 per DXCC entity per band +
- 1 per inter-continental contact
*Final Score:*
- Sum all points x sum all multipliers
You can work a station once per band.
Stations earning 50 points or more will be entitled to an emailed PDF
certificate indicating their successful participation in this inaugural
There is one entry per station callsign only.
*Log Submission:*
You MUST submit your ADIF formatted log via email within 7 days after the
event to*: **FreeDV.QSOParty (at)*
CT1JIB / *Jorge Santos*
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