ARLA/CLUSTER: AMSAT Argentina vai fazer testes nos modos WSPR e APRS em bóias e balőes

Joăo Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 26 de Agosto de 2019 - 11:02:48 WEST

AMSAT-LU testing WSPR and APRS buoy and balloons

*AMSAT-LU* is testing an amateur radio South Atlantic Sea Buoy and 2
PicoBallons transmiting WSPR and APRS

Objectives are courses analysis and strength of winds and sea currents as
well as HF/VHF propagation and APRS satellites operation. The Sea Buoy
launch is planned for January 2020.

Buoy - 14095.6 kHz WSPR 900 mW, callsign LU7AA-8. 2 minutes transmit then 8
minutes silent

Balloons - 144.930 MHz APRS, changes to 145.825 MHz (for satellite
digipeating) when outside Argentina, callsigns LU7AA-11 and LU1ESY.

Details/Pictures: <>
WSPR live Track:
PicoBalloons forecast:

>From now on transmitting on HF/VHF/Satellite at Buenos Aires.
We appreciate your reception.

*73, LU7AA*
AMSAT Argentina
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