ARLA/CLUSTER: O regulador francês quer os 144 a 146 MHz para sua (Thales) banda aeronáutica
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 26 de Agosto de 2019 - 10:13:24 WEST
New French CEPT paper still wants 144-146 MHz for Aeronautical
The French administration has renewed its attack on the Amateur Radio
144-146 MHz band ahead of a key CEPT ECC CPG meeting in Ankara, August
In a paper to be considered at the conference the French
Administration says it is not at this time seeking Primary status for
the Aeronautical Mobile Service in 144-146, however, their intent is
still that the Aeronautical should share the amateur 2m band.
It is clear where such sharing would inevitably lead, amateur
operation in the band would only be tolerated if there were no
interference to Aeronautical Mobile. Radio Amateurs might be subject
to heavy restriction and low EIRP limits.
We can get on idea of France's long term intent for 144 MHz from their
attitude to the 1240-1300 MHz band. It was initially said the Galileo
constellation could amicably share this allocation and amateur
operation could continue but now France says "unregulated use of the
band 1240-1300 MHz by the amateur service is a serious source of
harmful interference to RNSS receivers." See
The French paper CPG(19)137 F - AI10 - Non safety AMS-background
information is at
Read the Save 2 Meter story French administration strikes back at IARU at
Follow Save 2 Meter at
Other Ankara meeting documents are at
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