ARLA/CLUSTER: O impacto da Internet nas Rádios Internacionais, ou de milhões de múltiplos Megawatts a algumas centenas de watts

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 2 de Agosto de 2019 - 14:46:17 WEST

The Internet’s Impact on International Radio

Radio Today: Many broadcasters saved money by moving from high-power
shortwave transmissions to the web. But at what cost?

During the height of the Cold War (1947–1991), the shortwave radio bands
were alive with international state-run broadcasters; transmitting their
respective views in multiple languages to listeners around the globe.

In the seeming peace that followed, many governments no longer saw the
sense in spending millions on multi-megawatt transmitters and vast antenna
farms to keep broadcasting their messages globally.

Read the article by James Careless at
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