ARLA/CLUSTER: Reportagem como os radioamadores americanos criam um centro de comunicações de emergência
João Costa > CT1FBF
Terça-Feira, 23 de Abril de 2019 - 13:17:22 WEST
Radio ham to set up emergency communications center
The Waitsburg Times (Washington State) reports an amateur radio enthusiast
is setting up an emergency communication center and hopes to garner
interest from new or future operators
Waitsburg's *Brian Treadway K7BDT* said he followed his grandfather's
footsteps into ham radio but now uses the platform mostly in an emergency
response capacity. He's hoping to garner more local interest, especially
from those interested in providing emergency services.
Amateur radio, better known as ham radio, is a hobby enjoyed by over a
million people worldwide who call themselves "radio hams" or simply "hams."
Most hams get into the hobby for fun, but ham radio can provide valuable
communication services during states of emergency. When cell towers and
antennas are down amateur radio is one of the few means of communication
"Like a lot of guys, my grandpa had a ham shack out behind the house. He
had all the equipment. Of course, in the old days it would take up several
feet of shelf space whereas today I can get a radio that talks around the
world," Treadway said.
Read the full story at
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