ARLA/CLUSTER: Uma estação terrestre de amador para receber emissões via satélite - Artigo gratuito na HackSpace magazine

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 22 de Abril de 2019 - 13:41:41 WEST

Ham radio satellite ground station article in HackSpace magazine

The May edition of HackSpace magazine, issue 18, featuring articles by
radio amateur *Jo Hinchliffe MW6CYK* is available as a free PDF

On pages 34-47 is his special feature on *Space*, which explains how you
can build a SatNOGS satellite ground station to receive amateur radio

Jo's article *Make a Slim Jim Antenna* appears on pages 110-111.

Also in the magazine, on pages 96-99, Ben Everard explains how to build an *ISS
count‑down timer*.

You can download the free HackSpace magazine PDF from

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